Roger’s Squirrel Monkey.
Squirrel monkey 101 Squirrel monkeys live in the tropical forests of Central and South America. Squirrel monkeys grow to 25 to 35 cm, plus a 35 to 42 cm tail. Squirrel monkeys are omnivores, eating primarily fruits and insects. Occasionally they also eat nuts, buds, eggs and small vertebrates. The boys are bigger than the girls. Squirrel monkey females become sexually mature at approximately two and a half years old. Males become sexually mature at four years old.
Why are these monkeys special? They have thighs that are shorter relative to their lower legs; this allows more jumping force. They produce a musky smell through their fur ( especially in their tails ) to leave a trail in the trees so other monkeys could follow They travel in groups so that other animals have a harder time trying to chase and eat them. One was is by having a large powerful tail to wrap around tree branches so it can hold on.
Old Monkeys Primates are thought to have originated from their insectivore-like ancestors between 100 million and 65 million years ago. The ancient primates most resembled lemurs and the monkeys of today, and upper primates did not appear until 37 to 23 million years ago. Upper primates include monkeys, apes, chimps, and humans.
Monkey Paradise! TThe habitat of a squirrel monkey is in the northern part of South America to Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, and Brazil. IIt lives in very large groups, up to 300 individuals, on moist tropical forests, and usually forages in the medium and lower levels of the forest and sleeps close to the canopy (usually settling along rivers and streams)
Monkey Snacks The wild squirrel monkeys feed on fruit, insects, leaves and seeds. They also eat spiders, young birds, and bird eggs. Insects make up about 75% to 80% of a squirrel monkey's diet. Or monkeys as Snacks Animals that eat squirrel monkeys are predators are eagles, hawks, jaguars, ocelots, and humans are a threat to the Squirrel Monkey. The squirrel monkeys' main enemy is the eagle, because eagles will soar down and pick the monkeys up.
We Kill MONKEYS! The only predator this money has is humans. We are their predators because we destroy their homes and kill them for their fur and to have them as pets. There are a good amount of monkeys, but only in Costa Rica is there a low distribution of them. Although not yet endangered, the Common Squirrel Monkey is among many rainforest animals threatened by deforestation. The species has also been captured extensively for the pet trade and for medical research.