The Word of Wisdom Wisdom: The quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment; the quality of being wise.
It was hard for Joseph to breath and the smoke stung his eyes. When the church first started Heavenly Father hadn’t told us about the Word of Wisdom One day Joseph Smith walked into a meeting where all the men were smoking or chewing tobacco. When the men spit the tobacco, some of it went into the pail but some went on the floor.
His pray was answered. He was told how we should take care of our bodies. Joseph knew the spirit wouldn’t come to such a dirty place. He left the room to pray. This message from the Lord was called the Word of Wisdom.
Doctrine & Covenants Section 89 Benefit the church and all the saints... Protect against evils and designs which do and will exist in the hearts of conspiring men
What is good and what is bad for you? I will show you a picture and you tell me whether it is bad (devil) or good (angel).
What does sparingly mean? Deficient or limited in quantity, fullness, or extent The Word of Wisdom says to eat meat sparingly.
Which of these pictures would mean “eating sparingly?”
What are these? Have you ever used them in cooking or seen them used? Herbs... For the constitution, nature and use of man. BasilRosemaryParsley OreganoChamomile
Do you remember from last week that God’s always makes us promises when we obey? God promises that when we obey the Word of Wisdom we.. “shall run and not be weary, and shall walk and not faint.”
More promises!!! Health in the navel and marrow to their bones. Great treasures of knowledge, even hidden treasures!
Don’t be Trapped! Native people in Brazil use a monkey trap called a Cumbuca. They carve a hole in a gourd, just big enough so that the hand of the monkey can squeeze in. Then they stake the gourd to the ground, and inside the gourd they place something that attracts the monkey, usually a fruit such as a banana. The foolish monkey grabs the banana, but with his hand closed, he cannot take it out. And he will not let the banana go, so he is trapped.
Satan will place traps like that for us. But we don’t need to be foolish like a monkey. We can let go. He will try to make his traps interesting, even beautiful. But in the end they’re not; they’re ugly, and the end result is terrible. Our eternal life is at risk, so we must be smarter than the monkey. We should avoid the traps if we can and must let go if we have grabbed something we shouldn’t. By Elder Marcos A. Aidukaitis
What are some things that are harmful to our bodies? What are some good things to eat and drink? How can you make the right choices?
Who prayed when they saw the smoking and chewing and received the revelation we call “The Word of Wisdom?” What book is the Word of Wisdom in? Is it better to eat a cookie or a carrot? Why?
For health and strength and daily food we praise thy name, O Lord. “For Health and Strength”