Survey Monkey By, Meghan and Amy
What do You Know about Survey Monkey? Click below to take a survey! k2KnXg_3d_3d k2KnXg_3d_3d
What is Survey Monkey? A website to create electronic surveys Answers to survey questions will be sent back to creator Question formats and layouts can be customized depending on the survey Supports other languages This is helpful for ELL Survey link can be ed or put on a class website
Teachers can… Assess prior knowledge to inform instruction by creating surveys on current educational topics Learn more about students by creating surveys with questions about student interests, hobbies, etc. Create surveys to communicate with parents Get feedback from students and parents to improve and expand on specific projects, assignments, etc. in the future
Communication With Parents Surveys can be ed to parents regarding Class conference times Volunteer times/preferences for classroom events Feedback about their child’s experience in the class
Students can… Create own surveys to conduct research For a unit on graphing For a mathematics lesson on probability Social Studies lesson on voting Voting on a classroom issue Get to know classmates by creating surveys for each other to fill out
Survey Results Creator can look at responses individually or as a whole Responses can be viewed as graphs or charts Responses can be viewed as they are collected Results can be filtered to look for patterns in data
Why use Survey Monkey? Easy and quick way to gain information Surveys are simple to make Address book can created to easily send link Saves a lot of paper Improve teaching based on parent and student feedback