Vocab and Lit Terms
Amiably: in a friendly, good-natured way Grimace: a twisting of the face Presumptuous: too forward; bold Doggedly: stubbornly; firmly Enthralled: fascinated; charmed Credulity: a tendency to believe too readily Prosaic: ordinary; commonplace
Avaricious: greedy Sinister: threatening or suggesting evil Oppressive: hard to bear; distressing.
Suspense: Feeling of curiosity, uncertainty, or even dread about what is going to happen Mood: emotional quality or atmosphere of a story Symbol: object, person, place, or experience that on the surface is its meanings. A symbol often embodies an idea
Foreshadowing: use of clues by the author to prepare readers for events that will happen later Allusion: reference in a work of literature to a character, place, or situation from history or from another work of literature