Living Primates, Part 2
Non-Human Primate Social Groups Noyau – considered to be the most _______________________________ Solitary lifestyle, besides ____ Individual female and offspring range together Female/offspring __________________ Male ranges overlap __________________
Noyau Social System Seen in nocturnal primates (e.g many ______________) Why is this social system observed so often in nocturnal primates? ________________
Non-Human Primate Social Groups Single Male: (polygyny): ____________________ Most common form Male _____________________________ Seen in: Gorillas, (some) Spider monkeys, and (some) Colobus monkeys
Gorillas _______________ Location- ________________ Frugivorous diet Live in social groups with a dominant male – _______ _______ sexual dimorphism
Non-Human Primate Social Groups Multimale-Multifemale: _________________________ _________________________ Seen in: Squirrel Monkeys, Savanna Baboons, Woolly Spider Monkey
Prosimians: Ring-tailed Lemur Group dwelling (terrestrial) Diurnal Chemical Communication Chemical Communication ___________________
New World Monkeys: Howler Monkey 6 species of Howler – range from __________ ________________________ Sexually dimorphic in size ________________________ Hypoid bone – expanded into a very large, hollow resonating chamber Hypoid bone
Gelada Macaques multi-male, multi-females Not a macaque or baboon Separate genus ____________________ ______________________ Males in dispute Males in dispute
Non-Human Primate Social Groups Monogamous: _______________________ __________among primates Not found in _____________ Seen in: Gibbons, Indris, Siamangs
Hylobatidae – The Lesser Apes Gibbons & Siamangs – found in ______________ Locomotion – brachiationbrachiation Diet – ______________ ______________________
Non-Human Primate Social Groups Polyandry: __________ Seen only in Marmosets & Tamarins
Marmosets & Tamarins Smallest ____________ Most specialized Secondary derived: __________________ ____________________ Insectivorous ____________________ Golden Lion Tamarins Pygmy Marmoset
Non-Human Primate Social Groups Fission-Fusion Chimps ______________________ __________________________ with different activities and situations
Hominoids - Chimpanzees Central & West Africa _________sexual dimorphism ____________________ Social behavior is ____________ Group centered on closely __________________