Eimear Mc Carthy Linda Dunleavy
We will look at how numeracy was introduced in the school and how we went about implementing the plan, as a whole school collaborative approach.
Numeracy Link Teacher was chosen (not a post in the school). Core Numeracy Team consists of staff members who are organised and willing to execute tasks efficiently. Team is comprised of various teaching departments. The process began with buy in from: 1.Numeracy team. 2.Maths department 3.Whole staff -presentation and introduction to staff, we did not want bombard or overwhelm staff.
We used the SSE templates to help us create attitudinal surveys. Google docs was recommended – However a Gmail account is required. Survey Monkey was used in St. Joseph’s. Student surveys and parent survey Analysis of state exam results Analysis of STEN Access Maths testing From these results were identified strengths and weaknesses.
In order to achieve targets realistic measures had to be put in place. From Sept 2013 all 1 st year students were required to have the same calculator (SHARP EL-W531). Common tests across all departments. Clock and Calendar in every classroom. Walls are numeracy rich with posters and students work. Maths week – Daily puzzles and poster competition, also visit to National Concert Hall Returning tests as a fraction – students are to work out their own percentages Homework – students who are underachieving or do not have support at home are recommended for Homework club or afterschool study.
All schools can access the online JCSP resources. 3 Cross Curricular Numeracy statements were chosen: 1 st year - Measurement of Time. 2 nd year - Measurement of Length and Distance. 3 rd year - Basic Research and Statistics.
The numeracy team meet on a regular basis – using Croke Park hours. Other times are during in house exam time and transition year work experience weeks. Minutes are taken at all meetings – an agenda is always in place, as time can be limited. At times when management cannot attend meetings, the numeracy link person always liaises with them. Minutes are always ed to management. Management informs Board of Management about the progress of numeracy in the school. We were also invited to present our findings and results from our surveys and testing to the Board of Management.
A key point to remember is not to overwhelm the staff. SSE folders were created for each subject department. Drop Box is used regularly with staff and management. Avoids breakdown in communication. A Numeracy Guide is kept in staff room at all times for staff to refer to if they have any queries
Are kept in Principals office. Schemes of work to be updated in a digital format, all schemes to have the same format and include provision for numeracy and literacy. JCSP Statements are included – subject related and numeracy cross-curricular. Checklist for numeracy and literacy. Analysis of Junior Cert and Leaving Cert results. Subject Specific numeracy planning and 10 key numeracy words in their subject area – Keep it simple for teachers!!
The maths department created activities and saved them on the school server where all teachers have access to them. Whole school involvement with puzzles of the day and posters and photograph competition. Transition year students created maths trails for 2 nd year students. Six week link programme was created with local National school, around the language of problem solving.
Our next step was to run a whole school initiative. We decided to begin with the ‘Have You Got Maths Eyes’ project. Students discover the maths eyes around them, and things they see everyday.
To engage parents, we felt it was vital to inform them of the numeracy process. We sent a letter to parents informing them of the Numeracy strengths identified from our data We notified parents of three measures we were implementing to affirm good practice and identify areas that merit improvements, in order to achieve targets. Management met with Parents Association and introduced our numeracy plan. During open evening we had a room dedicated to Numeracy.
Support from management is a key factor is setting up a successful Numeracy Plan. Also support from PDST, and numeracy link training. Parents and Board of Management also of great importance. Work Colleagues Time factor – management were generous with facilitating time allocation. No Financial support was needed, unless a school is looking to purchase membership of Survey Monkey. Numeracy Plan can be carried out with limited finances
Retesting every year. Re-survey every year. Reviewing and comparing data. Reviewing targets and measures.
Keep targets minimal and achievable. Don’t overwhelm staff but ensure a whole school collaborative approach – Numeracy is everyone’s responsibility. There must be excellent communication between the link teacher, management, staff and board of management. Increase communication with parents. Numeracy key words must be incorporated in all subjects. Set out a timeline – don’t do too much at once.