Deforestation’s Effects on Animals BY: THE PLANET PROTECTORS
Our Question is… How does deforestation effect animals in the Amazon rainforest?
Our Conjecture is... Animals lose their homes and food sources. They also can suffocate from the debris.
What is Deforestation? Illegal logging Oil and gas traction Cattle ranching Mining Agriculture cash crops
Macaws Pink River Dolphins They nest in deep dry trees They come in all colors of the rainbow They have no place to nest when the trees fall down only live in the Amazon Amazon floods because of deforestation Less food for the dolphins
Monkey Frogs Spider Monkey The monkey frogs live in the amazon The trees are the habitat of the monkey frogs The frogs will die without its habitat Hang upside down on trees When the trees fall down so do their homes
News Articles: Found on Primary Search Dolphins Numbers Make A Leap Pink Impacts Of Deforestation On The Amazon What Is Deforestation
The End We hope you learned a lot!