Choices and decisions towards the end of life Annual Conference 2014 RCPE-WIFI Password: chiron1681 #sppc2014
Guidelines will be available in October at:
Guidelines can currently be viewed at:
Evidence-based clinical guidelines supports the provision of high quality palliative care by both specialists and general staff.
All Health Boards to ensure that guidance on all core topics is made available NHS QIS to work with Boards and SPPC to agree a national guideline for each core topic and a robust mechanism for reviewing and updating.
National Palliative Care Guideline project started Supported by Scottish Partnership Palliative Care (SPPC) and Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS) Co-chairs: Dr Paul Baughan, GP, Dollar and clinical lead NHS FV Dr David Gray, Consultant in Palliative Medicine Accord Hospice, Paisley Aim to include a mix of professionals including pharmacy, primary care and public representation
Choosing the Project Steering Group:
The Guideline Project Steering Group:
Not aiming for 29 sets of these:
HIS agreed to provide methodological advice NES agreed to provide librarian support
June – August 2012 – 628 responses: - highlighted many things liked in existing guidelines - some areas that would like to see developed - suggestions about formatting / accessibility
Pain Assessment Pain Management Neuropathic Pain Management Choosing and Changing Opioids
Anorexia/Cachexia Bowel Obstruction Constipation Diarrhoea Hiccups Nausea and Vomiting Oral Care
Care in last few days of life Complex discharge for end of life care SC hydration Emergencies – fits/ MSCC/Bleeding OOH Handover Information Uncontrolled severe distress Last days of life - Renal Disease
Delirium Depression Hyercalcaemia Pruritis Sweating Syringe pumps
Breathlessness Weakness/Fatigue Cough
Produced with support of Scottish Palliative Care Pharmacists Association Alfentanil Fentanyl Patches Fentanyl Nasal Spray (Pecfent) Fentanyl Sublingual (Abstral) Fentanyl Buccal (Effentora) Ketamine Levomepromazine Lidocaine Methadone Methylnaltrexone Midazolam Naloxone Octreotide Oxycodone Phenobarbital (Phenobarbitone)
Internal review of initial guidelines Each subgroup reviewed other subgroups’ work Steering group meetings held at GMC
Outcome of Internal Review of Guidelines
Supported by Scottish Health Council / SIGN User Involvement Officer Meeting in Edinburgh with carers and members of public Helped to ensure focus and balance was right
Co-ordinated independently by Dr Paul Keeley Experts identified from around UK Comments to subgroups Each comment logged and considered Final drafts to Medical Writers for readability
Paper presented to national Directors of Pharmacy Letter sent to each health board ADTC recommending adoption of guidelines Some Health Boards have already approved, others still to discuss
HIS will take ownership of the guidelines SHOW will host App
HIS is developing a light touch process to ensure the currency of the guidelines in the future Patient Information update – a separate project with dedicated funding and resources? Electronic teaching modules for medical staff Fiona Downs
Familiarise yourself with the guidelines Discuss them with colleagues Refer to them for clinical advice or when teaching Ask your health board / MCN how they are promoting them
Choices and decisions towards the end of life Annual Conference 2014 RCPE-WIFI Password: chiron1681 #sppc2014