K.R.A Natural Areas of Chile The Wessex School Ma’am Grisel Salgado
K.R.A Mapa de Chile Norte Grande Norte Chico Central Chile Southern Chile The Far South
K.R.A Norte Grande
K.R.A Located: Located: fromthe border with Peru to the Copiapo River Climate: Climate: desert, with minimal rain and high temperatures. As a result is one of the driest places in the world Vegetation: Vegetation: there is vegetation near water sources like oases.
K.R.A Atacama desert Valle de Azapa and Oasis de Pica
K.R.A Norte Chico
K.R.A Location: Location: from the Copiapo river to the Aconcagua river Climate: Climate: more moderate temperatures and more frequent rain than in the Norte Grande. Average T°16°C. The air is dry in the inland areas.
K.R.A Located between 2nd and 3rd regions. Pan de Azúcar National Park. Copper mine El Salvador.
K.R.A Central Chile
K.R.A Located: Located: between the Aconcagua and Bio Bio rivers. Climate: Climate: temperature qith well-defined seasons: warm, dry summers and cold, rainy winters. The average T° ranges from 14°C to 16° C. Vegatiton: Vegatiton: The climate and abundance of flat areas to grow vegetation.
K.R.A Santiago, capital city of Chile.
K.R.A Indudablemente es la zona en donde se concentra la actividad administrativa, económica, política y cultural del país. Ciudades como Valparaíso, Viña del Mar, Rancagua, Los Andes, San Antonio y Talca, se desarrollaron en un área del país con un clima y terreno ideal para casi cualquier tipo de actividad económica: agrícola, minero, pesquero, turístico, etc.
K.R.A Zona Centro - Sur
K.R.A Location: Location: from the Bio Bio River to the Chacao Canal. Climate: Climate: rainy, with rainfall most of the year, especially in winter. The average T° is 12°C Vegetation: Vegetation: continuous vegetation, abundadnt forests of very tall trees.
K.R.A Chillán Termas de Chillán Concepción
K.R.A Villarrica and Pucón Centro de Esquí Villarrica- Pucón
K.R.A Zona Austral o Patagónia
K.R.A Location: Location: From the Chacao Canal to Cape Horn. Climate: Climate: rainy temperature on the coast, with abundant precipitation and low temperatures, and with an average maximun of 10°C. Vegetation: Vegetation: varied, with trees like laurel, canelo, coigüe, etc.
K.R.A Zona Austral (Patagónia Norte y Sur)
K.R.A Carretera Austral, starts in Puerto Montt Parque Pumalín
K.R.A It ends in Villa O'Higgins close to Campo de Hielo Sur.
K.R.A Punta Arenas Puerto Natales
K.R.A Torres del Paine Torres y Cuernos