1 Global Ministries today: Pilgrimages to Zambia & South Africa, Haiti & Colombia, Israel & Palestine & Lebanon, India, and China Members of the Common Global Ministries Board
2 Board Members: Angela Menke-Ballou, Loyce Edwards Associate Conference Minister: Kathy Clark Conference Ministers: Chuck Barnes, Mary Susan Gast, Kent Siladi
3 Board Members: Charles Carpenter, Bing Tso, Shari Prestemon, Thom Haines, and Tyler Connoley Conference Minister: Karen Sellers
4 Council of Evangelical Churches of Colombia Peace Commission trains leaders nationwide on advocacy, a Christian model for peace and transformation Women’s Network works to reduce violence against women, aid victims of violence. Prison Ministries reconciles persecutors with their victims. GM presence helps fulfill their mission
5 Under siege, victims of violence, uncertain fate Threatened with dispossession – a common fate in Colombia and around the world Verification visit to accompany the community, bear witness, share faith Took their story to the U.S Embassy GM sent $5,000 immediately to relocate pastor threatened with death
6 Global Ministries missionary for the past 5 years
8 8,000 churches across Haiti Helps people in ways the government hasn’t K-12 education Theological education for pastors Vocational programs Literacy Women’s network HQ destroyed in earthquake, just rebuilt
9 Global Ministries missionary since last year She was joined by a Global Mission Intern, Katie Pickens, in January
10 Board Members: Dave Long-Higgins, Louie Bluecoat, Barbara Kerschner Daniel Conference Ministers: Krista Betz, John Deckenback, Bob Molsberry
11 When you build on the wrong side of the street… Can’t Leave Can’t Expand “Thicken”
12 Muslim Christian Dialogue Young People in Dialogue Near East School Of Theology
13 Ken and Betty Frank Mission Personnel in Turkey Haigazian University: 200 th Anniversary Celebration of the ABCFM
14 SophisticatedApartheid Sophisticated Apartheid
15 Settlements House Demolitions
16 YMCA in Bethlehem YWCA in Jerusalem How can we speak of God and God’s authentic word for us as we struggle for justice and peace?
17 Board Member: Mary Frances Hazeltine, Rich Pleva Conference Ministers: Jeff Whitman, Alan McLarty, Rich Pleva, David Gaewski, Tim Downs, David Moyer
19 Shanxi Bible School Students
21 Shaowu Mission Church, 1882 Tom Morse, Missionary
22 Board Members: Kim McKerley, Joy Lacanienta, Joyce Bathke, and Ariel Royer Conference Ministers: Douglas Anders, Sheldon Culver, Roddy Dunkerson, Randy Hyvonen, Gary Schulte, John Vertigan
24 Christian Hospital at Mungeli, Dr. Anil Henry
25 Tamilnadu Theological Seminary
28 Rev Randy Hyvonen & Dr Carr christening a well through CREATE Project At a village of homes built by Kanyakumari Peace Trust after the tsunami