This largest and most important Christian holiday is celebrated in many countries around the world. Folk customs and traditions associated with this feast vary from nation to nation, and are very diverse.
In Slovakia, the Christmas holidays are associated with the birth of Jesus Christ. People here prepare for Christmas already four weeks in advance. During this period, called Advent, which carries our message to the expectations of the arrival of small Jesus, people go to church, buy and prepare gifts for their loved ones, decorate their houses. An unique decorations often made from tree needles with four candles corespond to the number of Sundays of Advent. It enhances the Christmas atmosphere in the period before Christmas Eve day.It can be placed in a flat on a desk or hung on the door. It is a sign of hope. For children Advent calendar is very popular that brings joy and spark in eyes every day from 1 December, when you first open the box and find some chocolate surprise in it.
Christmas ornaments like Christmas tree are used for making a pleasant atmosphere. Christmas decorations can be like following:
Christmas markets are street markets associated with the celebration of Christmas during the Advent season, especially four weeks before Christmas Eve Day. They are famous in many countries like in Germany and Austria and Slovakia too.