When cell divides forming 2 new cells Prokaryotic cells Called Binary Fission Split into 2 parts Eukaryotic cells Called Mitosis Daughter cells form that are identical to parent
CHROMOSOMES Chromosome Threadlike structure made of DNA and protein Different number depending on species Example: fruit flies- 8 chromosomes Humans: 46 chromosomes (23 pairs) Chromatid- 2 copies of same chromosome Centromere- holds chromatids together
STAGES OF MITOSIS Interphase Prophase Metaphase (middle) Anaphase (away) Telophase Cytokinesis
INTERPHASE Where cell is most of the time DNA copies itself (doubles) Long strands of DNA Can’t be clearly seen
PROPHASE DNA shortens and can be seen Nuclear membrane disappears Spindle fibers appear (come from centrioles) Group of fibers that guide movement of chromosomes
METAPHASE Chromosomes continue to shorten and thicken Chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell
ANAPHASE Spindle fibers pull apart the doubled chromosomes Separates and forms 2 single chromosomes Move to opposite sides
TELOPHASE Spindle fibers disappear Nuclear membrane forms around each set of chromosomes One cell pinches together into 2 new cells Cytokinesis