Image Transfer With an Acrylic Gloss Medium
Photo transfers allow you to use laser jet or photocopy prints as a collage element in your artwork
Working from a photocopy will create some disintegration or changes to the photo
What you do: Find a photo Find a photo Laser print or photocopy the image Laser print or photocopy the image Apply 5 coats of Golden Gloss medium on your photo Apply 5 coats of Golden Gloss medium on your photo Prepare your ideas for the collage and put the base coats on your canvas Prepare your ideas for the collage and put the base coats on your canvas
When 5 coats are completed wash the image Carefully rub off the paper. Using a toothbrush works well.
Now your image has transferred onto the gloss medium!
You can colour your image with tinted acrylic paint. This should be a thin layers, tinted with white. The back of the photo could also be painted white.
Paint a canvas or a piece of watercolour with base colours
Add details to your painting
Think of composition and arrangement