SARVA SHIKSHA ABHIYAN, BIHAR In Bihar, we are adhering to the codal provisions of Earth Quake Resistant Building. Prof. P.K. Das, National Consultant, Ed.CIL and Prof. Yogendra Prasad, H.O.D.,N.I.T., Patna who is Doctorate in Structural Design, guided structural design of Bihar during DPEP period and Prof. Yogendra Prasad is still guiding our structural designs.
We submitted a set of drawings to Dr. A.S. Arya, National Seismic Advisor, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India. He sent his detailed comments vide his letter no. nil dt (Photocopy enclosed). Dr. Arya suggested minor modifications consequent upon the revision of I.S in His suggestions are being implemented and buildings are being constructed as per direction of Dr. Arya.
By Lord's grace I was associated as an Executive Engineer, Design & Quality Control, Ganga Bridge at Buxar and as an Executive Engineer in-charge of the construction of Ganga Bridge at Patna during 1973 to The experience gained during the construction of the prestigious project has helped me to contribute my humble lot in the construction of earth quake resistant buildings under SSA.
The Civil Works are spread in whole of Bihar. Junior Engineers, Assistant Engineers & Executive Engineers are providing technical assistance in construction of civil works. Technical Supervisors are also supervising the civil works. Our main thrust is on imparting extensive & intensive training to the VSS/adhoc samiti responsible for the construction of civil works. S.R.G. members are also providing technical assistance in the construction of civil works.
Paucity of fund is the main constraint which is the hindering the progress of the civil works. We have impressed upon the MHRD, Govt. of India to release the second advance. On the receipt of the same we shall able to start all the new civil works sanctioned under and complete the on going works. We have started the process of filling of vacant posts of technical personnel. We have completed 99% of the civil works sanctioned up to AWP&B
During AWP&B massive sanction of 15,000 (fifteen thousand) New School Buildings and 61,000 (sixty one thousand) Additional Class Rooms were accorded by the PAB. It tooks nearly one year to organise the management structure. So, the major portion of this sanction spilled over. During year , there was a spurt in the inflation rate that hindered the completion of the spilled over works.
We have still 4496 school buildings as deferred liabilities. The fund was sanctioned in AWP&B on the old rates. We are getting land slowly but the unit cost of the N.S.B. spilled over is hindering the completion of the works. We have 21 flood affected districts which also contribute a lot in late completion of the works.
We have stream limed our district management structure. Now we have separate District Programme Officers (i)for execution of SSA schemes. (ii)planning and Accounts & (iii)Establishment & so on coordinated & guided by the District Education Officer. Formerly we had only an officer for SSA works. This re-organisation will accelerate the pace of completion.
We are constantly monitoring our schemes from grass root level to state level. We have a dedicated team. We have completed 77% of all the sanctioned civil works schemes up to and are steadily marching towards the completion of all the sanctioned schemes during ge gksaxs dke;kc] ge gksaxs dke;kc ge gksaxs dke;kc & is always vibrating from us.