(5) Moderators - Coding
What to code? Let’s make a master list… What did George test for? What did Fredy test for? What did Tom test for? What did Jacklyn test for? How to find more moderators?
How to code: (1) Create Coding Manual (definitions/examples) (2) Photocopy “Method” sections (3) Create Coding Sheet (for coders to enter codes). (4) Training Phase for Coders??? (5) Code in what order??? (6) How many coders??? (7) Graduate students or undergraduate students??? (8) Do practice coding with subset??? (9) Have meetings to discuss discrepancies??? (10) What statistical technique to test coders?
Other issues: Consistency of a single coder from occasion to occasion Did the coder code the same way from the first entry to the last entry? Is there a break in coding of days, week, months? Might become more proficient and knowledgeable at end so code different than first entry