Peter Scott / Andrew Simmans The Winning Firm Alliance
Projects Finding and implementing great benefits Measure what matters Measures are there to help you focus on what you need to do. Training / Support to Raise Productivity Without people technology does nothing!
Good Competitive Advantage “Have to” - essential to operate as a business Productivity / Cost Saving Bad System failed to deliver – discontinued System there but not really being taken advantage of Indifferent Don’t know if it is helping!
Digital Dictation Voice Recognition Case Management Knowledge Management Electronic Archiving Document Management Microsoft Office Photocopy / Printer Usage tracking HR Systems Management Information Intranets External Internet Services Extranet Time Recording Accounts / PMS Money Laundering Discovery Systems Management Intelligent Searching Workflow / Authorisation Secure Social Networking Web based services Blogs System Integration
Technology without people does nothing Law firms are people businesses PEOPLE use technology Are the people getting the most benefit out of it?
Provide better service Improve productivity Build competitive advantage Build Profitability
Client service delivery Financial management Business development Knowledge management Risk management Compliance Others?
Do you know how much you spend each year on IT? If so - are you getting financial value from your spend? If not – then why not?
It is just another tool to be used by you in your business to help you make profit Is it doing so? Do you analyse the cost / benefits of the IT you use? Could you use it better?
What hurdles have you found to date stopping you implementing / using existing technology to gain optimum efficiency (and thus profitability) for your firm?
Partners / staff not willing to change Package / System does not do what you expected Not seen the expected benefits Cost too much / taking too long No-one using system Don’t know what could be done with system System is unreliable / fails to run quickly / has errors System makes business process worse not better! Unrealistic expectations of what Partners / Staff could do System is “far too complicated” Project “feels” stuck or going wrong. System is “taking over” – takes longer to maintain the system than provide the service!
Known Frustrations / Shortcomings Find new “Quick Win” opportunities?
Data being manually copied from one area to another Same data keyed in time and time again Providing information so that people can work better / smarter Reviewing all the facilities in your existing systems – explore unused menus! Staff experiences from other firms Exhibitions – look at competitor products to your suppliers – stimulate ideas about how to use existing product. Exhibitions – what features of your existing product does the supplier emphasise to new prospects – are you using those features? Wasted Admin time – is the result worth the effort? Analyse time recording / ask some staff to keep a record of how they spend their time. Marketing – find opportunities from existing client base Analyse / Understand your client base.
Keep focus on Business Objectives Go for 80% benefit for 20% effort Think about how to do it before you start Have a plan Monitor / Revise
Peter Scott / Andrew Simmans The Winning Firm Alliance
Keep it simple
To provide clear information to those running the business to enable them to: Monitor what is happening in the business Project what is likely to happen in the business Make decisions as to what needs to be done
Why do we produce this information? Does it tell us what we need to know about our business? Do we ever use this information? If not then why do we produce it? What information do we not produce, the absence of which is preventing us from effectively driving financial performance?
How can we measure the financial performance of each part of our firm? How profitable / loss making are our clients? Which parts of our firm generate good cash flow / soak up cash?
What do you measure and why?
Input v Target Aged WIP v Target Billings v Target Aged Debtors Aged Lock Up Realisation % Utilisation % Frequency of measurement Trends for all of these
Client Satisfaction New work won Sell on in existing Clients New Clients New Opportunities Staff Satisfaction
Is IT helping or hindering your financial measurement and reporting? What are you using / what have you found effective? Excel – a quick win Can read the PMS direct! Pivot tables / Pivot graphs very powerful With Intranet and Macros provide quick / simple reports
Sophisticated Packages Are they value for money? Excel Real time reading of data Overnight refresh Manual update / adjustment Manual entry and reports
Andrew Simmans / Peter Scott The Winning Firm Alliance
How to use the computer system PLUS! Helping people work effectively Spreading “Best Practice” Encouraging “Standards” Getting feedback / ideas
Department Heads Partners Fee Earners Secretaries Accounts Marketing HR
How to do it Why we are doing it What are others doing that could benefit you Desk side support IT error fixing Feedback of ideas / issues !
Born in 80s and 90s Now coming into Workplace Computers are natural Expect Social Networking Newsgroups Blogs Wikkis
Born post War Will retire in next 10 years Computers are learnt (or SEP) Expect: Computers at work are for work What is Facebook anyhow?
Take Training / Support seriously Think about who does the training Super users Central Specialist (IT / Business) External Trainers Think about who needs training Generation Y – quick to learn but need to emphasise risks / controls Baby boomers – take it more slowly
Think about how Floor walk (strongly recommend) 1 to 1 Desk side groups Short 1 hour briefing sessions Full Training Sessions External Courses On-line Books
Record who attends course Chase up / enforce attendance Get ideas fed back to centre New Starters Can “correct” bad habits in existing staff Ongoing review / feedback