1 Possible Ways Forward Sarah Ormes UKOLN University of Bath Bath, BA2 7AY
2 New Learning: New Libraries? “Any place, any time, anywhere, There’s a wonderful world you can share, That’s Lifelong Learning”. Learning becoming cross-sectoral and networked based
3 Introducing Hilary Yet another scenario Part time office administrator Studying for a diploma in Spanish Evening classes in IT Lives in Lanmore Multi-library user
4 Introducing Lanmore Lanmore is a medium sized city Two universities Fairly large public library service A number of further education colleges All geographically dispersed
5 Hilary goes to the library Not easy to search catalogues Only allowed into one University Library Staff unable to help her Local public library is shut Can’t borrow just photocopy
6 Flows or Blockages Difficult finding information about library resources Inconsistent access policies Some libraries do and some libraries don’t Differing resources policies Not flows but blockages
7 First Steps Access to all libraries (Sheffield) Union catalogue of journals (SULOS) Joint training and awareness (WMRLS) Making catalogues available where possible Promotion and raising awareness of the public - (Sheffield, Sunderland)
8 A New Scenario? College librarian suggests using union journal catalogue Goes to the university library with the right journal Staff explain the level of service they can provide her Finds the journal and but not the book but finds out where it is.
9 Scenario Two Uses city learning centre CD-Roms Finds article immediately Uses web page linking to all local library catalogues Finds book in nearest FE college Uses library card to borrow book
10 Scenario two - how it works All Catalogues online The city wide library card High level of cooperation (WRMLS) City wide vision of supporting learning (Sunderland)
11 Scenario Three Accesses electronic journals over city learning network Searches all library catalogues at once Finds a new electronic edition available Purchases a cheap copy using her library card
12 Scenario Three - how it works Consortium purchasing of electronic resources (Sunderland) The Learning Card (Sunderland) Consortium stock selection (CALIM) Cross catalogue searching (Clumps)
13 Sunderland - the learning city Learning World Multi-agency electronic library LASH - Library Access Scheme Awareness sessions for staff Full text electronic provision across the city
14 Other Issues Study space Heavily used resources and special collections Role of the Regional Library Services Student use of public libraries New Library - new librarian?
15 Looking forward Most of the solutions technically possible already Not three separate models but one continuous one Networking makes it easier but it won’t work without cooperation Are we ready for the challenge?
16 UKOLN is funded by the British Library Research and Innovation Centre, the Joint Information Systems Committee of the Higher Education Funding Councils, as well as by project funding from the JISC’s Electronic Libraries Programme and the European Union. UKOLN also receives support from the University of Bath where it is based.