Monday, 19 September Chapter 11 The Endocrine System King DS, Sharp RL, Vukovich MD, Brown GA, Reifenrath TA, Uhl NL, Parsons KA. Effect of oral androstenedione on serum testosterone and adaptations to resistance training in young men: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA 1999; 281(21): Two 1QQs returned on Piano Lab this week: Analyzing a research paper + First Endocrine Case study. Lab next week: Four more cases in endocrinology Pick up your photocopy from the Piano, read it before lab! Wednesday, 21 September Chapter 6 The Nervous System Read sections A and B
1QQ # 6 for 8:30 1.TSH stimulates a)The thyroid gland to take up iodide b)the synthesis and secretion of thyroglobulin c)The uptake of thyroglobulin from the colloid d)Follicular cells of the thyroid gland to grow e)The hypothalamus to secrete more TRH. OR 2.In response to a drop in blood pressure a)Juxtaglomerular cells of the kidney secrete less renin b)Elevated levels of aldosterone stimulate thirst c)Newly-formed angiotensin I causes vasoconstriction d)Elevated levels of aldosterone promote Na+ retention by the kidneys e)The liver produces more Angiotensin II. Write the number of the one question you choose to answer.
1QQ # 6 for 9:30 1.TSH stimulates a)The thyroid gland to take up iodide b)the synthesis and secretion of thyroglobulin c)The uptake of thyroglobulin from the colloid d)Its target cells to incorporate more Na+/K+ ATPase into their membranes e)The hypothalamus to secrete more TRH. OR 2.In response to a drop in blood pressure a)Juxtaglomerular cells of the kidney secrete less renin b)Elevated levels of Angiotensinogen stimulates thirst c)Newly-formed angiotensin I causes vasoconstriction d)Elevated levels of aldosterone promote Na+ retention by the kidneys e)The liver produces more Angiotensin II. Write the number of the one question you choose to answer.
Fig a Receives input from many regions of brain; many factors Affect its function Homeostatsis center. S3
Fig b Vasopressin (= Antidiuretic hormone) Oxytocin Neurohypophysis Adenohypophysis 6 S4
Tropic hormones control the function Trophic hormones promote survival and growth of targets Releasing HormoneRelease-inhibiting Hormone Hypothalamo-hypophyseal portal system A A S S P P PPP PP PPPP S 6
Tropic hormones control the function Trophic hormones promote survival and growth of targets Releasing Hormone Release Inhibiting Hormone Long-loop negative feedback Short-loop Neg. Feed. S 7
Who Cares?
Symptoms of hypothyroidism Levels of TSH and TH? Explain enlarged thyroid gland Cause: Inadequate dietary intake of iodine Treatment? Endemic Goiter TRH TSH T3 & T4 Goiter Elevates basal metabolic rate, potentiates response to EPI If hypothyroid during pregnancy… cretinism = congenital hypothyroidism S 4
Classification of Endocrine disorders Hypersecretion –Primary –Secondary Hyposecretion –Primary –Secondary CRH ACTH Cortisol hypothalamus Anterior pituitary Adrenal Cortex S 3
Who else Cares?
Aunt Dot S 5
T3 and T4 from Thyroid gland TSH from Ant. Pit. TRH from Hypothal. ⇧Metabolic rate ⇧Temperature ⇧sensitivity to EPI (up-regulation of adrenergic receptors) ⇧Heart rate and ⇧Blood Pressure ⇧Lipolysis and fuel mobilizationWeight loss The cause: Abnormal Immunoglobulins in patient activate TSH receptors on Thyroid cells ⇩ ⇩ Grave’s Disease S 6 Blood test: TSH levels low TH levels high
Grave’s Disease Treatment: Radioactive Iodine Mechanism:…….. S 7
⇧Cortisol secretion from Adrenal Cortex Mobilize fuel from muscle & adipose tissue Suppress non-essential functions (reproduction & growth) Suppress inflammatory & immune responses Potentiates response to EPI (vascular smooth muscle) ACTH from Ant. Pit CRH from Hypothalamus Physical trauma Prolonged exposure to cold Prolonged intense exercise Infection Sleep deprivation Pain Fright Emotional distress Vasopressin Cytokines from immune cells Excess Cortisol from 1) adrenal cortex tumor (primary) or 2) hypersecretion of ACTH from anterior pituitary (secondary) Cushing’s Syndrome Basal levels of Cortisol Required for normal sensitivity to EPI; symptoms of excess cortisol are….. Clinical example: treatment of chronic inflammation (e.g. arthritis) can lead to Cushing’s Syndrome! S 8