Shelflisting LCCS Training Sessions OSU July 2007
Definition “Arranging materials within an existing collection, normally by author; and determining the book number and other additions to the classification number necessary to create a unique number for each item.” – SCM: Shelflisting (Glossary)book number
Elements in Shelflisting Cutter number – usually based on the first word of the main entry, either the author's surname or title Date Other elements
Shelflist Order - 1 Once class number is chosen, filing position must be decided Works of an individual author are arranged according to specific order SCM: Shelflisting, G65
Shelflist Order - 2 Collected worksBy date.L TranslationsBy date.L Selected worksBy date.L TranslationsBy date.L
Shelflist Order - 3 Separate worksBy title Original worksCutter and date.L Facsimile or photocopy of original work Cutter and date with a.L a (.L aa, ab, etc.) Edition or reprintCutter and date.L Facsimile or photocopy of edition Cutter and date of edition with a.L a (.L aa, ab, etc.) TranslationCutter expanded by and date.L [English translation] Selection, abridgement, or condensed version Cutter expanded by 2 and date.L Translation of selection, abridgement, or condensed version Cutter expanded by and date.L [English translation] CriticismCutter expanded by 3 or 3-39 and date.L553T Biography and criticismBy author, A-Z.L56B
Example from OSU Catalog QD469.P The nature of the chemical bond and the stru Pauling, Linus, QD469.P The nature of the chemical bond and the stru Pauling, Linus, QD469.P La nature de la liaison chimique et la struc Pauling, Linus, QD469.P Die Natur der chemischen Bindung Pauling, Linus, QD469.P Kagaku ketsugoron Pauling, Linus, QD469.P Kagaku ketsugoron Pauling, Linus, QD469.P Kagaku ketsugoron nyumon Pauling, Linus,