Direct Authorization Program my|CalPERS Enhancements Implementation 11/19/2012 (January 1, 2013 warrant processing) 1 November 16, /3/2015
2 My|CalPERS has gone through many changes over this past year. We are happy to announce enhancements to the Direct Authorization Deduction Program pages. We will review the system features that have been added or changed. Implementation will be November 19, 2012 effective for January 1, 2013 warrants. 5/3/2015
Highlights of new design implementing 11/19/2012: Maintain DA Deductions o Add, Update, Delete- new navigation path o Delete transactions can now be performed online- effective 11/19/2012; No more manual forms. o Searching capability by various fields returns live participant deduction data. o Global Rate Change/ Dues Recalculation - navigation path is the same as today; field name change o Real-time error messages for online processing. Current DA Errors and Unresolved Historical DA Errors reports for Interface files, Global Rate Change and Dues Recalculation o Printing the error report o Clearing errors from the report Available now: Updated DAV User Access Roles Warrant payments Cognos redesign- faster retrieval of the Deduction Register Report 2012 & partial 2013 Cutoff Dates Resources Contacts Questions and Answers 35/3/2015
Maintain DA Deductions Add, Update, Delete 45/3/2015
The Method drop down for Add Direct Authorization Deduction Information in the Create or Edit Report panel will only apply when performing: Global Rate Change Dues Recalculation Select Maintain DA Deductions link to add, update or delete deductions. 5 Maintain DA Deductions Business Partner Direct Authorization user access role Navigating to this page is the same: Home page Profile global navigation link Reporting global navigation link menu now has 3 new links: Maintain DA Deductions Current DA Errors Unresolved Historical DA Errors 5/3/2015
Warrant Issue Date will replace the Business Month indicator. The warrant issue date is the effective date for the deduction. Select the Display button. 6 Maintain DA Deductions 5/3/2015
Select the radio button associated to the appropriate Agreement ID within the Direct Authorization Agreements section. Then select the Maintain Deductions button. 7 Maintain DA Deductions 5/3/2015
You will need to search for a participant record before you can add, update or delete participant deductions. You must search for at least one of the displayed values, (CalPERS ID, SSN, Last Name, Deduction Amount, or a selection from the dropdown for Updated By). Note searches by Last name, Deduction Amount and Updated By field searches may result in more than one participant. Note the results from the search contain live data and will display current, active deductions for the agreement in context, which will appear on the participant’s next issued warrant. 8 Maintain DA Deductions 5/3/2015
1. Add New button 2. Delete button 3. Update from CalPERS ID link The Setup Month and Updated By fields will reflect the most recent updated transaction. Deleted transactions will not be displayed. 9 Maintain DA Deductions 5/3/2015
10 Maintain DA Deductions ADD Transactions 1. Add: When you search and receive No Results Found, a deduction does not yet exist for the participant under the agreement. Click the Add New button to Add a deduction. You are taken to the same page, Edit Deduction Record page you currently enter transactions in today. 5/3/2015
11 Maintain DA Deductions Edit Deduction Record page- Add transaction Functionality of this page is the same: Select CalPERS ID or SSN radio button. Enter in the CalPERS ID and SSN-4 or SSN of the participant if the. Select Name Search button to validate entry. Enter Deduction Amount Select Save & Continue or Save & Add Another. Error messages will appear in a red box as soon as encountered. New feature Successful add of the transaction, you will be returned to previous Search page. 5/3/2015
12 Maintain DA Deductions ADD transactions After Save & Continue from the Edit Deduction Record page you are returned to the Search Direct Authorization Records page. The added record displays with the amount entered. You can then clear the Search panel and start a search for the next record to Add, Delete or Update for the Agreement ID in context. 5/3/2015
13 Maintain DA Deductions Delete transactions 2. Delete: New Functionality Search for the participant Select the checkbox next to the CalPERS ID. Click the Delete button. If no error message displays, the deduction was deleted successfully. The screen refreshes the search panel. The manual Delete (PRS.346) form no longer needs to be sent to CalPERS for processing. 5/3/2015
14 Maintain DA Deductions Update transactions After Delete the Search Direct Authorization Records page is refreshed where you can search for more record(s) to Add, Delete, or Update for the Agreement ID in context. 5/3/2015
15 Maintain DA Deductions Update transactions 3. Update Search for the participant. Select the CalPERS ID link You are taken to the Edit Deduction Record page 5/3/2015
16 Maintain DA Deductions Update transactions The Edit Deduction Record page displays with the CalPERS ID and Participant Social Security Number-4 as read only. The current amount of the deduction displays. 5/3/2015
Maintain DA Deductions Update transactions 17 To update the deduction: Enter in new deduction amount Select Name Search button, not a required step. Select Save & Continue Errors will display in a red box Successful transactions will return to the Search Direct Authorization Records page. 5/3/2015
18 Maintain DA Deductions Update transactions The Search Direct Authorization Records page displays with the transaction updated. To process under a different Agreement ID, select the Maintain DA Deductions left hand navigation link. 5/3/2015
19 Global Rate Change and Dues Recalculation Functionality is the same. The display has a change in the panel and one field. 5/3/2015
20 Global Rate Change and Dues Recalculation 5/3/2015 Navigation to perform Global Rate Change and Dues Recalculation is the same: Select Reporting global navigation link Select Add Direct Authorization Deduction Information from the Method drop down Select Continue button
21 Global Rate Change and Dues Recalculation Changes on the page: The panel name has been renamed to Rate Change/ Dues Recalculation Event: replaces Delivery Consideration and there are only 2 selections available. Business Month: still appears on this page. It is defaulted to the current business month for the next monthly warrant. Note: How to update for a Global Rate Change is in the current DAV User Guide. The link is available on your Home page. An updated version of this guide will be available there once approved for posting to the web. 5/3/2015
Deduction Request Errors 22 Current Design: The reports created in the current design reflects successful transactions and errors for on-line and file deduction submission. New Design as of 11/19/2012: Deductions maintained online will have errors returned as a red-box error message in real-time when encountered during processing. FTP interface files, Global Rate Change and Dues Recalculation will have the errors reported in the Current DA Errors report and Unresolved Historical DA Errors report. FTP Response Files will still be provided in the same format as today. 5/3/2015
23 Online Deduction Error Messages A red box error message will appear on the Edit Deduction Record page when an error is encountered. A few sample messages are displayed below. 5/3/2015
Deduction Request Errors Current DA Errors and Unresolved Historical Errors reports may be viewed, printed, or cleared for errors resulted from transactions processed from an uploaded or FTP Interface file, Global Rate Change or Dues Recalculation. 24 Navigating to this page: Select Current DA Errors left hand navigation link Select Warrant Issue Date Select Display button To get to the Error details: Select Agreement ID radio button Select Error Detail button 5/3/2015
You can search by any of the criteria in the Search Direct Authorization Records panel. You can print a report of these errors by selecting the Print Report button. The content of the report is the same information displayed in the Direct Authorization Records panel which will include the Agreement ID associated to the errors. To navigate to Unresolved Historical DA Errors, select the left hand navigation link. 25 Deduction Request Errors 5/3/2015
26 Common Error Messages 5/3/2015
Clearing Errors Resolution of an error may involve the business partner contacting the participant to verify: their SSN or CalPERS ID number; if they are receiving retirement warrants; or to inform the participant of other arrangements for payment if a Deductions Exceed Gross error is resulted. Once an error is resolved, it can be cleared from the report. If you need to perform deduction processing as part of your resolution, access the Maintain DA Deductions link on the left hand navigation menu to perform the necessary transaction. Note errors not cleared from the Current DA Errors report will move to the Unresolved DA Errors report after the warrant it was submitted for has been processed. The Unresolved DA Errors will continue to accumulate and the count is cumulative. 27 Select the checkbox or select all for the record(s) you would like to clear. Select the Clear Error button. 5/3/2015
Updated DAV User Roles We currently have two roles: Business Partner Direct Authorization o Allows the business partner to access deduction pages to manage deductions online; at launch of my|CalPERS this role included DA Agreement administration System Access Administrator o Business partner can establish and maintain contacts, assign user roles, and reset passwords for their organizational staff. There are two new additional DAV User Roles that have been added to my|CalPERS. Business Partner AP/Billing o Allows the business partner access to view their warrant payments and/or receivables.; BNSD_Direct_Authorization if the role is needed. Business Partner Direct Authorization Agreements o Allows a business partner separation of duties between establishing/ maintaining the agreements and deduction processing for their staff. Expired Passwords? Contact your SAA or select Forgot Password? link on the Login page. 285/3/2015
View Warrant Payments available for view once Business Partner AP/Billing access role granted 295/3/2015
View Warrant Payments Business Partner AP/Billing user access role Select Profile global navigation tab Select Payments local navigation link Select Warrant Browser from left hand navigation link Select Search button The list of warrants will display Select the CalPERS Warrant ID Number link to view payment address details 305/3/2015
Warrant Actions A Stop Payment request can be performed on a warrant that has not yet been received and is in an Outstanding status. Select the Request Stop Payment button. Send notification to o Subject: Stop Payment Requested o Warrant number and issue date A Photocopy for a warrant in Paid status can be requested. Select the Request Photocopy button Send notification to o Subject: Photocopy Requested o Warrant number (s) and issue date(s) 315/3/2015
Cognos Deduction Register updates implemented 10/28/ /3/2015
Cognos Navigation updates to Deduction Register Report 1.Login to my|CalPERS 2.From the my|Home page select the up arrow to expand Common Tasks from the left hand navigation menu. 3.Select the Reports link 4.Select the my|Home link in the IBM Cognos 8 window 5.Select PSR_Reports_ENV98 highlighted yellow folder 6.Select Saved Reports highlighted yellow folder 7.Select Deduction Register Report highlighted yellow folder NEW Step 8.You will notice reports generated on different dates. There are also multiple reports for the same date. These reports of the same date represent unique data from each of the four (4) retirement programs(Judges’ Retirement System, Legislators’ Retirement System, Judges’ II Retirement System, CalPERS). Usually, the last report for the same date is the deduction register for the CalPERS Program. 9.Select the in the Actions column. 10. The Delimited Text (CSV) link displays on the next page. Select to download, open or save the report by the in the Actions column. 335/3/2015
34 Cognos Deduction Register Report NEW step Select Deduction Register Report folder link 5/3/2015
35 Cognos Deduction Register Report Folder CalPERS 11/1/2012 deduction register 5/3/2015 Select the cascading pages icon in the Actions Column for the October 26, :10:57 p.m. report. NOTE: The Modified Date may change, as in this example, the 4 th report for October shows 10/26/2012. A business solution is on the way for consistent labeling of the Cognos reports.
5/3/ This next page shows the Delimited Text File (CSV) displaying the report. Notice October 17, :39:49 a.m. appears in the Version: drop down field for the October 26, 2012 report selected on the previous page. This is the CalPERS report for the November 1, 2012 warrant. Cognos Deduction Register Report Download
IMPORTANT DATES – DIRECT AUTHORIZATION VENDORS IMPACTS TO ON-LINE SUBMITTERS & FILE REPORTERS Due to earlier business closing dates, it is necessary for CalPERS to revise the deadline for processing your monthly transactions and manual “Delete” requests. Please follow the schedule below to ensure your transactions are processed for the affected warrant. Business Month Affected Warrant Deadline February /01/2012 2/03/2012 March /01/2012 3/02/2012 April /01/2102 4/06/2012 May /01/2012 5/04/2012 June /01/2012 6/08/2012 July /01/2012 7/06/2012 August /01/2012 8/03/2012 September /01/2012 9/07/2012 October /01/201210/05/2012 November /01/201211/02/2012 December /01/201312/07/2012 5/3/2015
IMPORTANT DATES – DIRECT AUTHORIZATION VENDORS IMPACTS TO ON-LINE SUBMITTERS & FILE REPORTERS Due to earlier business closing dates, it is necessary for CalPERS to revise the deadline for processing your monthly transactions and manual “Delete” requests. Please follow the schedule below to ensure your transactions are processed for the affected warrant. Business Month Affected Warrant Deadline January /01/2013 1/04/2013 February /01/2013 2/01/2013 March /01/2013 3/08/2013 April /01/2013 4/05/2013 * * A completed 2013 calendar will be posted once it is available.
39 Resources Business Partner Home Page Link to DAV User Guide Latest Business Partner News When the updated DAV User Guide and the DAV my|CalPERS power point presentation are approved for release to the web, you will be able to access them via this link. 5/3/2015
40 Direct Authorization Program Contacts: CalPERS Program: Eva Clark (916) Kimberly Nye (916) Judges’ Retirement System Legislators’ Retirement System Judges’ II Retirement System Programs: Mark Chiu (916) /3/2015
41 Questions: 5/3/2015