Soldier Systems Technology Roadmap Human and System Integration Workshop Process Mr. Phil Carr ( Château Cartier, Gatineau, Canada September, 2010
2 H&SI Workshop – Overall Goal To move us toward the comprehensive integration of the CF Future Soldier Systems capability areas such as to optimize overall system effectiveness, i.e.: improve and balance: survivability, lethality, mobility, sustainability, and situational awareness (C4I)
3 Workshop Basic Process Capability Recap & Demo: Key Deficiencies & Priorities Related H&SI Challenges, For Internal (physical/cognitive and external integration) Potential Solutions/ Technologies System Optimization R&D Focus Areas and Potential Collaborations Exploring Operational Space Exploring Functional Space Exploring Solution Space Exploring R&D Space
4 Functional Objective / Technical Challenge (Where to Put the Bar and When?) Future soldier needs (Performance requirements) Overall System Performance Time Technology progress Current Gap Perf. Excess ? Today Cycle 1 Cycle 2… Cycle n Future Needs Perf. Growth Baseline Performance Parameter (e.g. Bandwidth) Real Gap
5 Workshop Success Factors “Success” means: Discussion Contribution Collaboration Creativity Interest and curiosity
6 Soldier Demo – Key Integration Challenges Weight/volume Load carriage Mobility vs Protection Power Consumption Nature Anthropometrics Soldier – Vehicle Interoperability Communications Target Detect-Discriminate- Inform-Prosecute
7 Questions: 1.Name one human/system integration issue that was not mentioned 2.Which integration issues or deficiencies do you think are most important to the soldier system? Demo Questions
8 After Lunch – Seating by Theme Theme 1- Physical Integration on the Soldier Theme 2- Perceptual/ Cognitive Integration on the Soldier Theme 3- System Architecture & Inter- operability (External Integration)
9 Theme 1 - Physical Integration on the Soldier Soldier System Characterization (e.g. physical environment, task analyses, user characteristics) Soldier Burden (physiology, load and volume/bulk, biomechanics) Usability/ergonomy Fit/Form/Anthropometry Demographics Compatibility/Interfaces Display and Controls Hardware Tools and Processes
10 Theme 2 – Perceptual/Cognitive Integration on the Soldier Soldier burden (workload, information) Situation awareness Soldier interfaces to enhance perception and cognition (from displays to decision-making tools on soldier computers Displays and Controls Software (GUI) Tools and Processes Usability Decision aids
11 Theme 3 - System Architecture & Interoperability (External Integration) Integration/Interoperability with Other Platforms Vehicles Weapon systems C4I systems Autonomous Sensors (UXV) System Architecture Modularity/Configurability Adaptability Scalability Hardware integration/optimization
12 Breakaway Session Rules Sit with people from other organizations Fill the tables Choose a leader and recorder Write clearly Focus on the questions Ask facilitators for clarifications Tables 9 and 10 for discussion in French
13 Table Seating Rules For After Lunch C: CF/Military G: Government I: Industry A: Academia Capability/Expertise Areas: Red: Weapons Yellow: PPE Green: Power/Energy Blue: C4I-Sensor White: Human Factors NOTE: People can switch tables for each breakout session if they want, as long as the seating rules are followed. Rule 1: You cannot sit with : someone you work with Rule 2: Min: 1G, 1A, 1 C Rule 3: Max: 5 of the same capability/expertise area
14 Seating Arrangements (less than ideal) G DND G G G A I CF DND G All C4I
15 Seating Arrangements (much better) I C4I Weapons PPE A I I CF DND G A I I
16 14h30 to 16:00 Breakaway Session 1 Key Challenges for Each Theme (roundtable) Instructions
17 Question What are the 5 most important functional challenges related to your H/SI theme? What’s the problem? (you can express it as a technical challenge too) 1.E.g. critical parameter (e.g. Balance, bandwidth) 2.What should it be ? (2020 & 2025) Breakaway Session 1: H&SI-Related Challenges for Themes 1, 2 and 3
18 Table rules Sit with people from other organizations Fill the tables Choose a leader and recorder Write clearly Focus on the questions Ask facilitators for clarifications
19 Session 1: Report Back Objectives: 1.Capture the most important HSI functional challenges for each theme Let’s compile them as we go... 2.Collectively converge on about challenges, which will be used for your next exercise
20 Your Homework Exploring Solutions 1.Get 3 stickies 2.Pick 3 of the challenges we’ve just discussed 3.Fill in the blanks 4.Bring in your stickies with you tomorrow morning
21 Sticky Example - Theme: 2 Cognitive Integration - Information Overload Reduction - Multi-sense interface - Brain computer Interface 6 University A - Haptic systems 7 Cie X 2025
22 When You Arrive Tomorrow Morning… Please: 1.Have a photocopy made of your 3 stickies 2.Post your 3 stickies on the wall under the proper challenge and timeframe 3.Sit at a table of your choice (can be same table as previous day) still following the seating rules
23 Entering Break Continue to Populate the Wall Please: 1.Have a photocopy made of your 3 stickies 2.Post your 3 stickies on the wall under the proper technical/functional challenge and timeframe 3.Sit at a table of your choice (can be same table as previous day) still following the seating rules
24 10h15 Breakaway Session 2 Potential Solutions & Related Technologies For Overall System Optimization Instructions
25 1.Improving system characterization (physical) 2.Improving tools & processes (physical) 3.Reducing physical soldier burden (weight overload) 4.Improving physical usability 5.Improving modularity/configurability 6.Improving fit, form, anthropometry 7.Improving interfaces compatibility 8.Improving body-worn equipment/sensors integration 9.Improving display/control hardware design 10.Improving system characterization (psychological) 11.Improving tools & processes (psychological) 12.Reducing the effects of stressors 13.Improving socio/psychological readiness 14.Enhancing/augmenting soldier perception 15.Reducing cognitive burden (information load) 16.Improving situation awareness/understanding 17.Improving decision making 18.Enhancing displays/GUI 19.Improving human computer Interaction 20.Improving integration with weapons 21.Improving integration with C4I systems 22.Improving integration with combat vehicles 23.Improving integration with autonomous vehicle/sensors 24.Enabling future capability growth H&SI Functional /Technical Challenges (on your table) Theme 1 – Physical Integration Theme 2 – Psychological /Cognitive Integration Theme 3 – External Integration
26 Moving to a Horizontal Lens for Overall Capability Optimization
27 Breakaway Session 2: Potential Horizontal Solutions & Related Technologies For Overall System Optimization Objective: Brainstorm on solutions and their related technologies (S&T) for overall system optimization, i.e. those addressing more than one technical/functional challenge (list on your table) 1. Review the challenge list (on your table) (5 minutes) 2.Share your proposed solutions (homework stickies) (15 to 20 minutes) 3.Identify 3 to 5 new potential horizontal solutions and related technologies 4.Summarize your answers on the flip chart
28 Table to fill in for BS2 Cross-cutting Horizontal Solutions Technical/ Functional Challenges DescriptionRelated Technologies (S&T) 1 Technology a) Technology b) Technology c) 2 Technology a) Technology b) Technology c) 3 Technology a) Technology b) Technology c)
29 Breakaway Session 2 – Report Back Objective: Identify the enabling technologies that could address more than one functional/technical challenge and leading to overall capability optimization 1. Present the summary of your discussions emphasizing the enabling technologies
30 14h30 Breakaway Session 3: R&D Focus Areas & Potential Collaborators
31 1.Select 2 or 3 most enabling technologies (S&T) (right column on your summary sheet from session 2) 2.Explain briefly why you chose them 3.Describe the R&D efforts that should be pursued for each enabling technology 4.Identify collaborators that could be involved in these R&D efforts Breakaway Session 3: R&D Efforts Needed & Potential Collaborators Moving from technical/functional challenges to solutions/technologies to future R&D efforts Objective: Discuss the R&D efforts and the collaborators that could/should be involved in them
32 Most enabling technologies (S&T) R&D effort(s)Collaborators Smart fabricsData/power transmission improvement Company X Government lab Y University Z Signature Reduction: new coating Company A Lab B Brain computer interface xxxYYY Exo SkeletonZZZWWW EXAMPLE Breakaway Session 3 Output
33 Breakaway Session 3: Report Back 1.Each table presents its findings (worksheet content) (please hand in your worksheet) Objective: Identify R&D efforts and related collaborators that would contribute in optimizing the overall capability (i.e. In addressing the key challenges)
34 BS 3 Handout Sheet Most enabling technologies (S&T) R&D effort(s)Collaborators