THE RESUME IN CANADA Always accompanied by a cover letter Always typed Ideal length: No more than 3 pages Think of margins : 1 inch all sides Think of choice of font (resume scanning) Never back it Target it No set format but generally divided into 5 headings
RESUME 1 – Personal details 2 – Career objective / Personal profile 3 – Professional experience 4 – Education and qualifications 5 – Language and other skills Additional information Interests / Spare time activities References
RESUME Neat and typed No photo (unless requested) Positive: emphasize your achievements, strengths and contribution to profitability. This is much more important than your diplomas. Use positive verbs Don’t leave gaps (or clearly explain) Be ready to give educational/professional references Put your name in the header/bottom so it appears on each page One inch margin on all sides
AVOID MISTAKES Worry less about stipulating gender Put the tel.number in the international format Diplomas: give the French names (and the number of years in the university) Dates should be flushed to the left margin Work experience: Only include relevant information which has a direct link with your application Qualify facts with examples
AVOID MISTAKES Internships: List experiences present to past or by theme. Place the section just after Education if you’re inexperienced Use action verbs: Always in the same tense and stick to it When describing a list of things, write «and » before the last one and don’t use etc or … Be specific with job titles if there is relevant information
AVOID MISTAKES typing rules could be different especially for executive resumés When indicating that you’ve worked in a bilingual or international environment, specify which countries and languages you’ve dealt with Put down « French » as your mother tongue
TO MAKE IT LOOK GOOD Ideally the font size of regular text should be 11 or 12 Use headings taken from the employer’s original advertisement or job specification Start sentences with competency-based words that emphasize the skill, quality or attribute you are presenting Overall, try to use a consistent style, format, avoid underlining and capitals
WHAT NOT TO INCLUDE IN YOUR RESUME Obscure acronyms or jargon A non businesslike address Non essential personal information (e.g. weight, height or religious beliefs) Use with caution « interests »
TIPS FOR A BRILLIANT RESUME Make your resumé clear and interesting but concise Never forget to specify your address Sell yourself on the first sheet: Start with your profile + key achievements Translate what you know and do it into terms that will appeal a recruiter Be specific: Express achievements using numbers and percentages, awards, Avoid empty adjectives: Dynamic, enthusiastic
MAIN DIFFERENCES Lesser importance of certificates and diplomas BUT Importance of checkable references Focusing on personal potential and attitude
FINISHING TOUCHES Ensure that you have answered all the questions Check for the spelling mistakes Decide on the final layout Photocopy the form you will be presenting Make sure the form will arrive by the closing date (deadline means date to be received in the office) If possible, ask someone else to read it for you
AND NOW, YOUR TURN… Write your resumé in Word format Start your research Visit the relevant websites And let’s meet on……
AND ALSO… address, ridiculous telephone answering messages Compromising Facebook and Myspace contents Photographs