Making Inclusion Work for All April S. Dudley Special Services Teacher State Department of Education – Team 7
Inclusion provides for as much interaction as possible with people the same age while still meeting the student’s educational needs.
The federal and state laws require that the educational program be fitted to the child, not the child to an existing program.
IEP Individualized Education Program Procedures must be developed and implemented to ensure that each student’s unique needs are met. At least one regular education teacher of the student should participate in IEP development, review, & revision. Each teacher must be informed of specific responsibilities related to IEP implementation.
The success of meeting student needs in regular education is dependent upon thoughtful planning, ongoing problem solving, an openness to new ideas and a commitment to frequent evaluation.
Some Ways Students Can Be Included Same activities & materials, but different objectives Same activities, materials, & objectives, but adapt responding Same activities, same or different objectives, but adapted materials
Have high but realistic expectations.
Resource Teacher Plan with general education teacher Tutor small & varied groups –In or out of classroom Modify handouts/tests Give advice Give tests Supply supplementary materials Teach lessons
Suggestions to Help Students Belong Set the example Be discrete –Use signals or codes Speak privately Teacher grades when exchanging papers Use as helpers Reward frequently Be prepared Have same content but modified goals Use cooperative learning groups Be willing to adapt
Consider the Seating Order Place student between average students. Assign seat on side or end so someone can pull a chair up to assist.
Consider the Following Adaptations Simplify the vocabulary Simplify the reading material –Highlight main points in text/handouts –Provide material on reading level Teach concept at a lower level Change criteria for success Assign smaller amounts Substitute a similar but easier task Clarify directions –Get them started Limit number of directions Write directions on board Stand close and gain eye contact before giving directions
More adaptations----
Strategies to Consider Use concrete manipulative materials Photocopy notes Provide an outline of main points with blanks to fill in during the lesson Allow extra time
More Strategies Provide opportunities for breaks Fold paper or draw lines (graph paper) Use different colored chalk Enlarge the print Tape steps in front of text Present material in simple, uncluttered format
Even More Strategies Photo copy the text page Cut handouts into smaller tasks and present one at a time Help student organize materials Structure the activities Mark start and stop points Give clues to locate information
Classroom-Testing Adaptations
Revisit the IEP if the student is not succeeding!
Self Evaluation— How do you measure up? Is the student being treated like the rest of the class? Does the student feel as though he or she belongs? Does the student enjoy being in my class? Are the strategies effective that I am using? Is the student a more confident achiever? Has the student demonstrated educational growth? Has having the student in class been a positive experience for the classmates? Has this been a growing and satisfying experience for me?
No teacher can expect to be all things to all students --not even you. But when you give it your all, you can live with yourself --regardless of the results.