VLE Briefing Session & Copyright Licensing Agency Update 2013 Maame Yaa Addai & Holly Lau– Legal Affairs & Sarah Mahurter- Library Services 1
To introduce new processes for copyright compliance at UAL. To embed these processes into practice and to ensure compliance with the CLA licence. To take a partnership approach to this work between Academic staff, Legal Affairs, CLTAD and Library Services. 2 The purpose of the briefing session
CLA COMPLIANCE FOR VLE: COPYING AND SCANNING Under the terms of the Licence: All staff at the University are Authorised to photocopy paper and scan Materials. Materials include: Books Loose Leaf Works Law Reports Periodicals and Journals Free to View Websites 3
What is the Process if I want to Photocopy or Scan Materials? You need to check: 1. The Library Catalogue for a digital or print copy of the item by going to andwww.voyager.arts.ac.uk 2.The CLA title search which will list the actions that the licence allows for each work by clicking on with-your-licence/what-can-be-copied/title-search/ with-your-licence/what-can-be-copied/title-search/ *Please contact your academic support librarian if you need assistance completing any of these steps.* Materials may only be photocopied or scanned if: 1.The CLA Title search gives these permissions; 2.the library does not already own existing digital copies; and 3.they are owned or subscribed to by the library. 4
1.Complete a Copyright Notice and adhere it to the front of the uploaded material. It must also be sent to 2.Stick to the 5% rule 3.Use the most recent available edition (unless an older one is needed for pedagogical reasons). I want to scan but I must... 5
The 5% Rule 6 Please adhere to the 5% Rule! I will only photocopy or scan 5% of any material or adhere to the guidelines below : a. Book – One Whole Chapter b. Journal – One Whole Article from an issue c. Anthology – One short story or poem, not exceeding 10 pages. d. Published report of judicial proceedings – the entire report of a single case If the material is not structured as a conventional book, journal or magazine, or where the material is not divided into distinct sections; please only copy or scan an equivalent amount to what is set out above. If you want to photocopy and scan from the same book for the same course then you will have to split the 5% allowance between the two formats! NB. The 5% Rule applies to materials for each specific unit of study.
Systemically scan materials one chapter or page at a time until I have copied the whole thing. (The scanning of more than one chapter from different editions of the same book is considered systematic scanning). Sell or hire out scanned materials. Upload scanned materials onto publicly accessible sites; I can only put materials onto Moodle courses for relevant staff and students. Alter the structure, layout, authenticity or integrity of original scanned materials. ( But can make changes for pedagogic purposes e.g. making notes in the margin etc.) Save scanned materials with the intention of creating an electronic library or other similar educational resource within my computer drives. 7 I can scan...and will not:
Copyright Notice- Example Staff and students of this University are reminded that copyright subsists in this extract and the work from which it was taken. This Digital Copy has been made under the terms of a CLA licence which allows you to: access and download a copy; print out a copy; This Digital Copy and any digital or printed copy supplied to or made by you under the terms of this Licence are for use in connection with this Course of Study. You may retain such copies after the end of the course, but strictly for your own personal use. All copies (including electronic copies) shall include this Copyright Notice and shall be destroyed and/or deleted if and when required by the [University] [Institution]. Except as provided for by copyright law, no further copying, storage or distribution (including by ) is Permitted without the consent of the copyright holder. The author (which term includes artists and other visual creators) has moral rights in the work and neither staff nor students may cause, or permit, the distortion, mutilation or other modification of the work, or any other derogatory treatment of it, which would be prejudicial to the honour or reputation of the author. Course of Study: Name of Designated Person authorising scanning: Title: Name of Author: Name of Publisher: Page from: Page to: ISBN Number: The Copyright Notice must be filled in and inserted before scanned materials can be viewed. A copy of the Copyright Notice must be ed to: 8
The unit leader or administrator needs to carry out regular checks to ensure that each Moodle site is up to date. This means: It contains only copies relevant to the Unit of Study, and in particular that: The contents do not exceed the 5 % Rule. If works become Excluded they are removed from the Moodle site. Each copy is made from the current or, where an earlier edition is required for pedagogic purposes, the most appropriate edition of the original. Relevant bibliographic records are kept for each copy to enable the University to complete the annual return to CLA. Copies are removed from the Moodle site if they are no longer needed eg. if a Course of Study is not likely to be repeated in a future teaching session. 9 Spring Clean: keeping your VLE site up to date
1.One copy per student and member of staff. 2.The 5% Rule. Please refer to slide Use the most recent available edition (unless an older one is needed for pedagogical reasons). Please do not: 1.Systemically photocopy materials one chapter or page at a time until you have copied the whole thing. The scanning of more than one chapter from different editions of the same book is considered systematic scanning. 2.Hire or sell your paper copies to anyone. But you can charge for production costs. 3.Make photocopies outside the UK. But you can photocopy materials to be sent to distance learners located outside of the UK. I want to Photocopy... REMEMBER! 10
Exceptions for students with a disability and visual impairment If a student is unable to access a usual copy of the Material because of a visual impairment or disability (including dyslexia): The CLA Licence permits the University to make and supply a copy (an “Accessible Copy”) of part or the whole of any work in any alternative format that is more accessible to the Authorised Person. Commercially available version- An Accessibly Copy of the work may only be produced if and to the extent that it is not commercially available in a form accessible to the disabled student. The University has to own the original copy. The 5% Rule can be broken but for each copy over the 5% Rule it must contain: A statement that it was a copy made under the CLA Licence for the use of a disabled student and that it may not be copied or scanned without permission; and The title and name of the author and publisher and the title of the material. 11
Contacts and further information Please contact: Any question on the compliance under the licence please Copyright forms to: The CLA Licence : content/uploads/2013/07/CLA-Higher-Education-Licence-UUKGHE.pdfhttp://he.cla.co.uk/wp- content/uploads/2013/07/CLA-Higher-Education-Licence-UUKGHE.pdf Image attribution checker: Reverse Image Search : 12