Welcome to the Library which is used by all members of the College. The Library staff are here to help you so please ask if you are unsure about anything. Enquiries should be made to the staff in the Library Office initially, but you can contact the Librarian any time by The Library is open 8.00am to midnight every day during term and is staffed during those hours. You may not always find a member of staff in the Library Office, because the Library is spread out on four floors, but if you come back after a short while there will be someone there. Pembroke College Library
These slides will explain to you how the Library works and give you a virtual tour so that you will know where to find our books, and some more useful information along the way. There is also the Library’s Web page. The Pembroke Library Facebook page gives more topical news. There is a cloakroom just inside the main entrance for hanging coats and bags, but it is not advisable to leave anything valuable there, such as a wallet or laptop. There are two rest rooms inside the cloakroom. You can use either one: if the red button shows it means it is occupied. Pembroke College Library
It is important not to mark books in any way, not even with post-it notes as they can tear the paper, but if you need to photocopy a chapter, or a few pages, you can use the MFD in the photocopy room. Swipe your University Card and the cost of printing will be added to your College Bill at the end of term. An alternative is to scan for free using the Book2Net scanner - you can save the file to your own memory stick. Pembroke College Library
The computer catalogue is for searching only – you cannot or access the internet from here. Library Search includes e-books and articles as well as books. It might be better to restrict your search to Pembroke only by using the Filters, as you are not allowed to use other College Libraries. If the book is in the Library a bibliographic record will show up with the classmark at the bottom. If it says ‘Available’ that means the book should be on the Library shelves. If the book is out on loan you can place a recall on it from here: Pembroke College Library
The Library has WiFi on all floors. There are two computers in the Ground Floor Reading Room for quick searches. If you need a computer for any length of time please use the computer room in the basement of staircase CC in Foundress Court which is open 24hrs. For any IT queries please ask the IT department for help. They can be found in U10 but if you have access to a computer you can The Ground Floor Reading Room has individual desks (carrels) on both sides of the bookcases and contains books in history, economics, social science, natural sciences and engineering. The Rosenthal Art Library houses the collection of books on Art and Architecture. Pembroke College Library
If you use the internal spiral staircase make sure you do not use the emergency exit as it is alarmed. It is better to use the main staircase. We are strict about no food and drink being brought into the Library. Bottled water is the only exception. Also, mobile phone conversations are prohibited everywhere in the Library. The acoustics are poor and voices carry. Conversations must be kept to a minimum. On the mezzanine floor is the Law Library, which houses books and journals for lawyers and land economists. Pembroke College Library
The Upper Reading Room contains books in the Arts: English literature along one side and Reference books, Music, Theology, Philosophy, Classics, Modern Languages and Oriental Studies on the other side. The room contains busts of notable Pembroke alumni such as William Pitt and Ted Hughes. No books and papers may be left on the desks anywhere in the Library; they will be cleared away. You may use the Reserved Book Shelves – at the far end of the room - by placing a reservation slip on top of your books with your name and date. If the slip is not updated after 3 days the books will be re-shelved. This is to be fair to everyone. There are times when the Library is particularly busy and we need to keep space free. Pembroke College Library