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“Centralizing incoming mail handling and distributing forms and documents electronically keeps paper out at the door and provides big advantages for downstream processing.” - AIIM Industry Watch – The Paper Free Office – dream or reality?
©AIIM 2011 Do you operate any of the following “digital mailroom” scenarios (i.e., scanning, capture and electronic distribution of general incoming mail? 41% using some form of “digital mailroom” (53% large orgs.) 11% using large mailroom scanners (15% large orgs). 4% outsourced (6% large orgs). N=374
©AIIM 2011 Which aspects of digital mailrooms are proving the most beneficial? (Max 3) Faster turnaround to customers and immediate availability of latest correspondence. Better quality capture. Enables remote/telework. N=130 users
Faster turnaround times to customers Reduced storage and processing space for mail Immediate access to latest customer correspondence More efficient/higher quality data capture for downstream processes Remote accessibility for mobile/telework/outsource staff
It’s not just about tossing paper out but more about improving processes.
©AIIM 2011 Would you say that the consumption of paper and/or number of photocopies in your organisation is? Net 15% of largest orgs say decrease. Net 1% of mid- sized. Net 1% increasing in smallest. N=379, Excl. 12 Don't Know % of organizations
©AIIM 2011 How much of your office space would you say is currently used for storing paper documents? What do you think that figure would be in 5 years’ time if you could change the culture to one of electronic- only filing? Now average space taken up: 15.3% With electronic- only filing in 5 years: 7.4% Halving of storage space, saving 7.9% of total office costs. N=387 Now 5 Years Time
©AIIM 2011 How many of the documents that you scan would you say are “born digital"? For 49% of organizations, half or more of scanned docs are 100% born digital. Average: 45.2% of docs. N=387 How many of the documents that you scan would you say are “born digital“ apart from added signatures? For 49% of organizations, half or more of scanned docs are all digital except for signatures. Average: 46.1% of docs.
©AIIM 2011 What percentage of your incoming invoices would you say arrive as PDF attachments? For 32% of organizations, half or more of inbound invoices arrive as PDFs. Average: 30.6% of invoices. N=372 What percentage of your incoming invoices would you say arrive as Faxes? For 11% of organizations, half or more of inbound invoices arrive as Faxes. Average: 15.4% of invoices. What percentage of your incoming invoices would you say arrive as EDI/e-billing transactions? For 20% of organizations, half or more of inbound invoices arrive as EDI. Average: 21.7% of invoices.
©AIIM 2011 How do you mostly deal with invoices and forms that arrive as PDF attachments to s? 77% print a copy. 16% print a copy and then scan it in! 23% pass directly to the capture system. N=372
©AIIM 2011 Which of the following do you generally do with faxes as part of the process? 44% print a copy. 10% print, sign and then fax back in! 26% use directly in the workflow. N=372
©AIIM 2011 What would you say are the three biggest drivers for scanning and data capture in your organization? #1 Improving access and share-ability, #2 Process productivity, #3 Storage space. Then compliance, and faster response. N=372
Mobilizing documents for access and sharing is a stronger driver than direct savings in process costs.
©AIIM 2011 By what factor would you say your use of scanning and capture improves the speed of response of your operational unit to customers, suppliers, citizens or staff? (Think about waiting time or elapsed time in minutes, hours or days) 70% 3x faster or more, 29% 10x faster or more, On average, 6.7x improvement in response time. N=194 capture users, excl. 50 Don't Know/Not Applicable
©AIIM 2011 Which of the following do you have connected via a unified or distributed capture system (as opposed to point solutions)? Not many extending distributed capture off- premise. N=130 users
©AIIM 2011 Do employees in your business unit use any of the following portable devices to capture documents or forms when not at their desk? 38% “yes” 14+% using portable scanners for forms & docs, 6% using smartphones. 4+% using OCR on smartphone or tablet. 6+% using tablet for direct forms input. N=362, inc. 221 (62%) “None of these”
©AIIM 2011 In your organization, what proportion of employees do you see/expect to see using iPads, tablets or digital clipboards for filling in forms? Now: 2% of orgs, “half or more” 2 years time: 9% of orgs, “half or more” 5 years time: 33% of orgs, “half or more” N=325
Audit your processes to see where paper impacts Examine your customer response mechanism to see how paper slows things down Look at how physical handling of incoming mail might be handled better Evaluate the latest technology for capturing data Brainstorm how mobile devices could transform your processes
Use document scanners to convert paper to electronic and shred the paper Try “printing” or saving to PDF Implement the use of web based forms to gather information Map, design and manage all business processes electronically Source: Going Paperless, AIIM Communities Wiki
Publications/Publications/Industry- Watch/Paper-Free-Capture-2012