Customer Basics ◦ WIA Adults ◦ WIA Dislocated Workers ◦ Trade Act Participants How can we Ensure Participation? Do We have the Customer Base? Forging the Partnerships
Two Basic Factors ◦ 18 years of age ◦ Citizen or Authorized to Work in the U.S.
All Next Generation Career Center customers must be enrolled before accessing WIA- funded services Membership screens allow customers to quickly and easily enter these required data elements Eligibility documentation is solid due to customer attestation under secure log-on
Must be determined eligible for the program prior to receiving a service funded by the program Because we’ve moved WIA-funded services to a universal level, it is imperative we enroll all customers who would access services
Name Mailing Address Social Security Number Citizenship/Work Authorization Gender Individual with a Disability Homeless Ethnicity Hispanic/Latino Race Eligible Veteran Status Employment Status at Participation Low Income Status Other Public Assistance (GA/RCA/Food Stamps/SSI) Temporary Assistance (TANF) Date of Birth (NOTE: Must be verified by staff)
Driver License Federal, State or local ID card Birth Certificate DD-214, Report of Transfer or Discharge papers Passport Public Assistance/Social Service Records School Records or ID Card Work Permit Hospital Record of Birth Baptismal Record
WIA Core enrollments created through the Membership Screen process constitute the ideal means of WIA eligibility determination and documentation
After Adult Core is established, the system checks the UI database for an active claim If claimant status is confirmed, the system creates the WIA Dislocated Worker Core Enrollment
(46) Supportive services.--The term ``supportive services'' means services such as transportation, child care, dependent care, housing, and needs-related payments, that are necessary to enable an individual to participate in activities authorized under this title, consistent with the provisions of this title.
(2) Supportive services.--Funds allocated to a local area for adults under paragraph (2)(A) or (3), as appropriate, of section 133(b), and funds allocated to the local area for dislocated workers under section 133(b)(2)(B), may be used to provide supportive services to adults and dislocated workers, respectively-- (A) who are participating in programs with activities authorized in any of paragraphs (2)CORE, (3)INTENSIVE, or (4)TRAINING of subsection d); and (B) who are unable to obtain such supportive services through other programs providing such services.
Supportive Service Payments may be used to help pay for Training-Related expenses such as supplies, transportation, childcare if ◦ The Service/Payment is Reasonable and Necessary in order for the Student to Continue in Training ◦ The Service/Payment is not Available Through Other Means
Must file a Trade Readjustment Allowance (TRA) claim with the Division of Employment Security (DES) and be determined to*: ◦ Have a Qualifying Separation ◦ From a Employer with Jobs lost to foreign Competition ◦ With a USDOL-Approved Petition Certifying the Business was Trade Impacted *Under Trade Act 2009 and 2011 rules, incumbent workers may participate in Trade approved training without having a TRA claim filed with DES. To be considered an incumbent worker under Trade, the client must work for a Trade certified employer and have a (documented) scheduled layoff date.
Most Trade Act benefits and services have associated timeframes that clients must meet. It is advised that they report to a Career Center in a timely manner.
Clients who meet specified requirements are eligible to receive Trade Readjustment Allowance (TRA), transportation allowance, and or subsistence allowance. ◦ TRA is a weekly benefit available to eligible clients after they exhaust their UI. (The maximum amount of TRA differs under each version of Trade Act.) ◦ Transportation and Subsistence are available to clients who attend Trade approved training outside of their commuting area.
Last Program Year, (July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011) we served 284,858 new WIA Adults, and 176,088 Dislocated Workers So far this Year (since July ) we have already served 150,565 Adults and 79,752 Dislocated Workers. (Currently leading the Nation in “new” participants!) In Trade Act, we served 785 new participants last year and have served 157 this year
WIA Adults in Training in PY’2010 – 8,932 ◦ Another 3,492 received Intensive Services WIA Adults in Training in PY’2011 – 7,327 ◦ 4,188 receiving Intensive Services WIA Dislocated Workers in Training in PY’10 – 9,098 ◦ Another 3,949 received Intensive Services WIA Dislocated Workers in Training in PY’11 – 6,439 ◦ 4,013 receiving Intensive Services Trade Act Participants in Training in PY’10 – 2,576 Trade Act Participants in Training in PY’11 – 1,254
Proposed 4,000 to be served Two Year Period Trade Act Eligibility determined by DWD Staff WIA Eligibility determined by Career Centers Supportive Services allowable to ensure continued engagement in coursework The need should definitely be out there!