Presenters: Joe Adduci and Sue Rawls South Carolina Grade Two Gifted and Talented Testing Program Pretest Workshop
HMH Riverside South Carolina Team Sue Rawls Assessment Consultant Executive Phone: Joe Adduci Project Manager Phone: ext Fred Valenzuela Manager, Contract Operations Phone: ext Carolyn Ray Office of Assessment 212-A Rutledge Building 1429 Senate Street Columbia, SC Phone: Susan Creighton Office of Assessment Phone: SC Department Of Education
Purpose of this Testing Program For selection into Gifted and Talented program Students enrolled in grade 2 are to take a norm-referenced aptitude test and achievement test. State provides CogAT Form 7, Level 8 and Iowa Form F Core Battery, Level 7 tests to students. Who to test Regulation requires districts to screen all Grade 2 students by reviewing census aptitude and achievement test scores. 3
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt South Carolina Grade 2 Norm-Reference Testing Program Website You can find an electronic version of the following on the Gifted and Talented Web Site: Test Coordinator Manual Pretest workshop PowerPoint SC Gifted and Talented Best Practices Manual Test security affidavit for DTCs and STCs Test security affidavit for TAs Optional test security affidavit for monitors (not required) Test Security Violation Forms 4
Schedule and Testing Information
2014 Schedule of Important Dates (TCM page iii) 6 Milestone, Task, or Deliverable Date Student data files sent to Riverside for barcodesSeptember 16, 2014 District offices receive test materialsOctober 16, 2014 Test administration windowOctober 22 – November 13 Last day to order Large Print Test Booklets (call or Joe to order) November 3, 2014 Test Materials – Last Day to ship back materials to Riverside for scoring November 17, 2014 Reports arrive in districts (for those districts that returned materials by November 19, with no alerts open) December 10, 2014
Security Checklist Recommendation (TCM page 3) 7 * It is recommended that you make a copy of the security checklist for your records.
CogAT Testing Information (TCM page 6, top) 8
IA Testing Information (TCM page 6, bottom) 9
Suggested Testing Schedule (TCM page 17) 10 DayTest Test Booklet Page Numbers Estimated Time (minutes) Day 1 CogAT Picture Analogies Sentence Completion Picture Classification Number Analogies Pages 2-7 Pages Pages Pages Day 2 CogAT Number Puzzles Number Series Figure Matrices Paper Folding Pages Pages Pages Pages Day 3 CogAT Figure Classification Iowa Reading: Picture Stories Reading: Sentences Reading: Stories Pages Pages Page 15 Pages Day 4 Iowa Mathematics: Part 1 (There should be a break between these two tests.) Mathematics: Part 2 Pages Pages
What’s New for Testing Window?
What’s New for 2014? (TCM page iv) Testing Window: 10/22 – 11/13 Information about the new tests: page 2 Correcting birth date or other demographic info: page 28 Student Transfers: page Test Security Violation Action Form: page Agreement to Maintain Test Security and Confidentiality for District Test Coordinators and School Test Coordinators, Test Administrators and Testing Monitors: pages Districts will receive Student Profile Narrative paper copies in mid-January 12
Fall 2014 Test Administration Window Don’t forget ─ District can return test materials to Riverside for scoring as soon as they are ready to. You do not need to wait until November 17 th to ship. 13 Test Administration Last day to return materials for scoring
CogAT Test Materials Abbeville Building: Cherokee Trail Elem Building Code: 018 Box ___ of ___ Packing List in Box #1 of IOWA Test Materials All boxes (building & district) will have a district box label All building boxes will be labeled with a yellow (IOWA Test Materials) or green (CogAT Test Materials) label
Your District Box Count begins with the district box (box 1 of __ ) that includes the ancillary materials, district IOWA Booklets & IOWA DFA Overages.
Your District Box Count begins with the district box (box 1 of __ ) that includes the ancillary materials, district CogAT Booklets & CogAT DFA Overages
Basic information to know Prior to Test Administration
Don’t forget − First in! First Out! A “first in/first out” reporting approach will be used when shipping the results back to districts. As long as you ship your materials to us by November 17, and there are no open issues with the materials, reports will arrive in your district no later than December 10. Districts returning any test materials after November 17 or with open issues will receive their reports 10 business days after they are ready to be processed. 18
School Identification Sheets (GIS) (TCM page 66 – Appendix D) 19 Included in each District box are one blank for every five (5) buildings. Included in each Building Box are two (2) per Building. One is pre-slugged and one is blank. Please do NOT PHOTOCOPY the School/Building Identification Sheet. Do NOT complete Box #4 as that is done by Riverside Scoring Center.
Grade/Class Identification Sheets (GIS) (TCM page 67 – Appendix E) 20 Included in each Building Package are two (2) blank Grade/Class Identification Sheets (GIS) for every twenty-two (22) students to be tested. Please do NOT PHOTOCOPY the GIS. School Test Coordinators will have to contact the District Test Coordinators if more GIS documents are needed. Do NOT complete the Class Code section of the GIS. Do NOT complete Box #4 as that is done by Riverside Scoring Center.
Additional Test Materials Request Form (TCM page 72 – Appendix J) 21 REMEMBER! The last day to request additional test materials is due Monday, November 3, 2014.
Acknowledgment of Receipt of Test Materials Form (TCM page 73 – Appendix K) 22 Return the Acknowledgment of Receipt of Test Materials form to Joe no later than Friday, October 24, 2014.
Large-Print Test Booklets A large-print format is available for both Iowa (Form E, Complete Battery) and CogAT (Form 7, Level 8). Please call Joe to order at or him directly at: to order the large print Please order these materials no later than Monday, November 3,
Scorable and Nonscorable Materials
School Test Coordinators ─ What should you know about Scorable Materials What are Scorable Materials? A Building Identification Sheet A Grade/Class Identification Sheet All Pre-ID barcoded Student Test Booklets All overage test booklets used to administer CogAT or Iowa 25
26 Packing Scorable Materials at the Schools should follow this diagram (TCM page 39) Includes overage booklets used with students
District Test Coordinators ─ What should you know about Scorable Materials Order For Scoring Service (OSS) Return The OSS should be returned in BOX #1 of the SCORABLE materials Failure to put the OSS sheets in Box #1 will cause a delay in your materials being processed Please do not forget to check the orange scorable return label on Box #1 to alert Riverside Scoring Center that this box contains the green OSS sheets 27 SOUTH CAROLINA GRADE 2 GIFTED AND TALENTED TESTING PROGRAM SCORABLE MATERIALS FALL 2014 District Name____________________________ To: Riverside Scoring Service 761 District Drive Itasca, IL BOX ______ of ______ □ Check if this box contains the Order Form for Riverside Scoring Service.
District Test Coordinators ─ What should you know about Scorable Materials Boxes should be packed by building Boxes should be number consecutively by district 28
Scorables − Iowa and/or CogAT Answer Booklets 29
School Test Coordinators ─ What should you know about Nonscorable Materials What is a Nonscorable Material? All Directions for Administration (CogAT and Iowa) All unused Overage Test Booklets All Large-Print Test Booklets Security Checklists/Return Envelope Please note − this list does not include students Pre-ID barcoded test booklets that were unused! 30
31 Packing Nonscorable Materials at the Schools should follow this diagram (TCM page 41) SOUTH CAROLINA GRADE 2 GIFTED AND TALENTED TESTING PROGRAM NONSCORABLE MATERIALS FALL 2014 District Name____________________________ To: Riverside Scoring Service 761 District Drive Itasca, IL BOX ______ of ______ Check if this box contains the Order Form for Riverside Scoring Service.
District Test Coordinators ─ What should you know about Nonscorable Materials Boxes should be numbered consecutively by district Boxes should be packed by building If you are able to, materials can be combined between buildings, so can reduce the number of boxes being shipped back 32
Nonscorables 33 Iowa and CogAT Directions for Administration books Unused Overage Test booklets Security Checklist Envelope
Why are we defining scorable and nonscorable? Districts that do NOT follow packaging instructions when sending materials back to Riverside will be put in the back of the queue for scoring. This may cause a delay in receiving your reports. 34
Grade 2 Reports The following is a list of reports each district will receive: 1. PDF Files on CD-ROM include: Profile Narrative (Now available in hard copies this year!) List Report of Student Scores Classroom Summaries School Summaries District Summary 2. Student Data File on CD-ROM (Each district will receive two copies of the student data file. One copy is for the DTC, and the other copy should be given immediately to the GTC to be imported into the GIFT program.) The following is a list of reports each school will receive: 1. PDF files include: Profile Narrative List Report of Student Scores Classroom Summaries School Summaries 2. Student Data File on CD-ROM 3. Student Score Labels (1 for Iowa, 1 for CogAT) 35 Note to DTC’s: This is a good slide to have handy when you are completing your green front page OSS sheet.
Completing Overage Test Booklets − Demographic Pages
Filling Out Overage Student Test Booklets on the Demographic Page There are two different student ID numbers you may need to fill in if you have a student that does not have a pre-ID coded test booklet. SUNS ID Number (Student’s Primary 10-digit ID number) PowerSchool (PS) Student Number (Student’s Secondary 5-12 digit ID number) 37
SUNS and PowerSchool Student ID’s Student Identification Number (SUNS ID): Enter the 10-digit student primary identification number assigned to each student when they enroll or transfer into a school in the 10-digit ID NUMBER FIELD. Student Power School Number (PS Number): Enter the 5-12 digit PS student ID in the 10-digit ADDITIONAL ID NUMBER FIELD. Left-justify any 5-9 digit PS student ID number For any 12-digit PS student ID numbers, simply omit the last two digits and bubble in the first 10 since there are only 10 digits allowed. SCDE will be able to identify all students based on their 10-digit SUNS ID. 38
Back Page (Demographic Page) CogAT (TCM page 68 – Appendix G) 39 1.Accommodations (Far left column called CODE) 2.PS Student Number (ADDITIONAL ID NUMBER field) 3.Student Status Codes Step #1 - (Z-code under Office Use Only Section) Step #2 – (Use Column A to bubble codes Z1-Z5) NO Barcode Label Sample
Things to look for when packing your test materials 40 Please Remove:Please Remember: scratch paper tape of any kind Post-it TM Sticky Notes staples pins paper clips Remove them stray marks light marks for answers Erase any stray marks Darken response marks so that they fill the circles. Complete erasures where the student changed answers. Failure to do any of the above may result in a delay in getting your test scores back from Riverside.
Useful Order For Scoring Services and Packing Information
One final note about your front page OSS… 1. Your front page OSS has already been pre-populated with your district name, DTC information, and respective building names. 42
Building Packing Lists and Return Forms
Building Packing Lists (TCM page 43) 44 You should use the building packing lists as a reference when completing the Summary of Test Materials form, which is found in Appendix L on page 74 of the TCM. All materials on this list should be returned unless damaged, and also noted on the security checklist.
Filling in the Building Packing Lists 45 These booklets belong in the Scorable materials boxes If unused, these booklets belong in the NonScorable materials boxes
Summary of Test Materials Returned Form (TCM page 74 – Appendix L) 46 Please remember to fill in all 6 boxes as shown to the left in this diagram. This helps the Scoring Center compare what scorable and nonscorable materials actually arrived at our warehouse
UPS RS Shipping Labels
Quick tip about new UPS RS labels 48 All District Test Coordinators should write down or PHOTOCOPY their UPS tracking numbers before shipping. Please keep this number for your records.
Additional information about UPS RS shipping labels Districts are responsible for scheduling a UPS pick-up for test materials and please provide our UPS Account Number RV If your district has regular UPS service, UPS can collect the boxes during your regular pick-up time. If your district does not, Call UPS at on or before Monday, November 17 to arrange a pickup at your district. When calling UPS, make sure to indicate that you are calling for a “Return Service” pickup, using a UPS RS labels. For your convenience, arrangements have been made to “Bill 3 rd party” for this shipment. Therefore, you do not pay UPS. 49
If you need more UPS RS shipping labels… Call or Joe for more! Joe’s office: Joe’s mobile: Joe’s 50
Make-Up Testing
Make-up Tests If any students are absent at the time of testing, every effort should be made to give them the opportunity to take the tests. Code any absent students under OFFICE USE ONLY field at the bottom of the demographic page and simply bubble in Z. If a student took some of the tests, do not count the student as absent or excused. 52
Districts that need to do Make-Ups for students Instances for make-ups include: Materials never arrived to Riverside for scoring Teacher did not administer all parts of the test they were required to do The main goal is for districts to have their information back in time for the SC Performance Tasks Assessment testing window in late- February. 53
Make-Up Testing Schedule 54 Districts need to match their scores and reconcile any discrepancies with Riverside No later than 12/19/14 If your district needs to do make-ups, all orders need to be placed with Riverside No later than 1/6/15 Make-Up Administration Window1/12/15 – 1/23/15 Return test materials to RiversideNo later than 1/27/15 Score reports delivered if there are no alerts2/20/15 Districts will not be allowed to administer make-ups to students outside of this schedule, so please make sure to look at your results immediately upon receipt.
CogAT Ability Profile System Presenter: Sue Rawls
Cognitive Abilities Test ™ CogAT Form 7, Level 8 Three batteries focused on reasoning abilities most related to academic success: Verbal Quantitative Nonverbal 56
Ability Profile System 57
Ability Profile System 58
Ability Profile System 59
Important links for CogAT™ t6/input.jsp This is the CogAT™ website hosted at Riverside Publishing. This is Dr. Dave Lohman’s website with links to his research papers on identifying Gifted children. 60
Ordering Off- Grade-Level Materials
Ordering off-grade-level materials Contact customer service at to order off- grade-level materials. Contact Sue Rawls with any questions about pricing at Do NOT ship off-grade-level test materials with the on- grade-level test materials for this program. Do NOT use the orange scorable and blue nonscorable return labels when shipping off-grade-level test materials. 62
Let Sue tell you About… Data Plus Scoring (free CogAT Practice Activities, Directions for Administration, and many digital ancillaries). CogAT & Iowa Hand Scoring Package (DataManager Access for Hand-Scoring Customers) and the price is based upon one building/site only. Hand-Scoring DataManager Ancillary Access – Initial $78.75 Iowa Practice Tests 63