Full Name: Post /Designation: Qualification (Highest) : CNIC # (photocopy required) Organisation Name: Postal Address: City:Postal Code: Cell:Fax: Institute of Space Technology SUPARCO HQs, NCRG Building off University Rd, Karachi. Pakistan Exts: START DATE : October 21, 2013 COURSE DURATION : 05 Days TIMINGS : 2:00 – 5:30 PM Early Bird Registration : October 01, 2013 Registration Deadline : October 15, 2013 Registration Form Students Rs. 4,000/- Registration fee will include course material CD, stationery, certificate, daily tea, and inaugural lunch. Please send duly filled application form along with Registration fee as Bank Pay Order/ Demand Draft in favor of Institute of Space Technology, and send to IST, SUPARCO HQs, NCRG Building, Sector 28, Gulzar Hijri off University Road P.O Box 8402, Karachi Personal Information Mirza Muhammad Waqar Lecturer (RS &G ISc) Institute of Space Technology Ph: EXT:2257/2220 Fax: Dr. Arjumand Zaidi Asst. Professor (RS & GISc) Institute of Space Technology Ph: EXT: Venue Fee Per Participant Is Introduction to RS and GIS October 21–25, 2013 Mailing & Contact Details INSTITUTE OF SPACE TECHNOLOGY For Beginners 10 % off on early bird registration
INTRODUCTION COURSE CONTENTS Recent advances in Geographical Information System (GIS) and Remote Sensing (RS) techniques and availability of satellite data at affordable cost have provided an opportunity to acquire the needful information in many application fields at spatial and temporal scales. Satellite data and GIS are being used in various fields of applications including, but not limited to, environmental studies, urban and regional planning, geology, agriculture, energy sector, natural disaster management, natural resources conservation, information technology, health sciences, and retail and marketing. The objective of this training is to impart knowledge about RS and GIS techniques to the beginners through lectures and hands on exercises using state of the art software. The training participants will be able to apply this knowledge in their specific fields. Training Courses S#S# Training TitleDate/VenueStatus 1 Integrating Ground Based Methods and Spatial Techniques for Environmental Monitoring September , 2011, Karachi Completed 2 Understanding Natural Resources and Climate Change using Geospatial Techniques March 12-16, 2012, Islamabad Completed 3 Disaster Management using RS and GIS Techniques September , 2012, Islamabad Completed 4 Introduction to RS and GIS December 10 – 14, 2012 Completed 5 Certificate Course in Disaster Management (by Foreign Expert) February 11– 14, 2013, Islamabad Completed 6 Introduction to RS and GIS March 25-29, 2013, Karachi Completed 7 Introduction to RS and GIS October 21-25, 2013, Karachi Registration Open 8 Short Training Course on Applications of Global Navigation Satellite Systems February 18-21, 2014, Islamabad Planned To develop an understanding of Geospatial Techniques using State-of-the-Art GIS and RS software OBJECTIVE Getting to Know GIS (GIS Concepts, Vector and Raster data, Earth Model) Introduction to Satellite Remote Sensing Latest Developments in Remote Sensing Hands-on Exercises using ArcGIS software o Displaying Data (Symbology and Labeling) o Map Projections, Coordinate Systems and Scale o Editing Data o Working with Tables (Tabular Data, Joins, Data Query) o Spatial Data Analysis (Geoprocessing in ArcMap: clip, intersect, union, buffer, etc.) o Presenting Data (Creating layouts) Hands-on Exercises using ENVI, and ERDAS Imagine software o Digital Image Processing and Analysis CERTIFICATE On completion of the course, participants will receive a certificate of participation