Mississippi Department of Education Mississippi Cumulative Folders and Permanent Records August 28, 2013
Agenda Purpose Overview of Manual Discussion of Cumulative Folders and Permanent Records Wrap-up 2
Purpose Provide guidance in completing and maintaining cumulative folders and permanent records as required by Mississippi law. Establish a degree of consistency of student records across Mississippi school districts. 3
Mississippi Cumulative Folders and Permanent Records Update Revised the Mississippi Cumulative Folders and Permanent Records Manual of Directions (approved by the State Board of Education January 2011) Revised the cumulative folder and permanent record documents Created an optional additional form for recording data if space is insufficient on the cumulative folder Posted the revised manual to the Office of Accreditation web page Developed online tutorials for completing cumulative folders and permanent records 4
Accreditation Standards MUST State Law Federal Law State Board Policy Accreditation Standards 5
SHOULD Best Practice Good Judgment 6
What is the purpose of the cumulative folder and permanent record? These are legal documents designed to chart the educational growth and progress of a student. 7
What is a cumulative folder? The cumulative folder is the actual folder that serves as an active database about the student. 8
What is a permanent record? The permanent record is the legal school record for the student that contains most of the information recorded on the cumulative folder. 9
What information should be kept in the cumulative folder? Pages 7-8 and 14 Date of birth Record of attendance Grades Withdrawal from school Expulsion act and date Immunization State Board of Education requirements 10
Should information be recorded in ink or pencil on the cumulative folder and permanent record? Pages 17, 19, 21, and 30 All information should be typed or recorded in permanent black ink unless otherwise designated. Record the address and telephone number in pencil and keep it current. If a student transfers before the end of the semester, record the attendance in pencil. 11
Is the birth certificate required for enrollment? Pages 7-8, 18, and 29 Yes, the school must verify date of birth. The hospital birth record is not the same as the certified birth certificate. It is required to enroll grades K-1. Grades 2-12 must be verified within 60 days of enrollment. 12
Residency Verification Local school board policy for residency verification must comply with State Board of Education Policy 7301. Documentation of residency is not a required item that must be kept in the cumulative folder. 13
MSIS ID Number Pages 18 and 29 Record the MSIS ID Number in the designated space on the new cumulative folders and permanent records. 14
Are social security numbers mandatory for cumulative records? Pages 18 and 30 No, this information is optional. Copy the student’s social security card if the school decides to include this information. Contact the Office of Management Information Systems (MIS) concerning data collection and legal issues. 15
Race Pages 19 and 30 Record race using the following abbreviations for the various classifications: NA - American Indian or Alaska Native AS - Asian B - Black or African American PI - Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander W - White H - Hispanic or Latino or Spanish TM - Two or More Races 16
Ethnicity Pages 19 and 30 Check Yes on the revised cumulative folder and permanent record if student is of Hispanic or Latino origin. Check No on the revised cumulative folder and permanent record if student is not of Hispanic or Latino origin. 17
Immunization Immunization verification is required. Pages 7, 12-14, 24, and 34-35 Immunization verification is required. Certificate of Vaccination must be obtained on or before the expiration date on a temporary certificate. Immunization verification is also required for transferring students. Certificate of Compliance is issued by the Mississippi State Board of Health. The form should be filed in the student’s cumulative folder. 18
How much disciplinary action is recorded on the cumulative folder? Pages 23-24 Record the date of expulsion and description of the behavior in the Significant Facts Section. Additional information concerning disciplinary action is based on local district policy. 19
Can “white-out” be used on cumulative folders and permanent records? Page 17 No! Do not use white-out to alter any data. Document the date and reason for making a correction. Include the name or initials of the person who changes the data. If necessary, include a written description of the details concerning a change of grades. 20
Document the date and reason for making a correction. How should a student’s name be changed when there has been a legal name change? Page 17 Document the date and reason for making a correction. Include the name or initials of the person who changes the data. 21
Can labels be covered on the cumulative folder? No, do not place a new label on top of an existing label. Never remove or cover up any data that has been recorded on the student’s cumulative folder. If necessary, include a written description of the details concerning a change of grades. If space is insufficient, the school district may use the new Additional Form for Recording Data. 22
Who is responsible for the cumulative folder? The principal is responsible for supervising the proper maintenance of cumulative folders although this responsibility may be delegated to other staff. The principal is ultimately responsible for maintaining security, confidentiality, and accuracy of student records. 23
Who has access to student records? Page 9 School Officials State Education Agency Parents or Eligible Student Except as limited under Sec. 99.12, a parent or eligible student must be given the opportunity to inspect and review the student’s education records. 24
Where are the documents kept? Pages 8-9, 16, and 27 The cumulative folders and permanent records must be stored in a secure, fire-resistant location. 25
Is there a requirement to keep the permanent record and cumulative folder in two different locations? No, there is no requirement to store the cumulative folder and permanent record in two separate locations. This is a local district policy. For security, it is recommended that the permanent record be kept in a separate location. 26
When can the school district destroy the cumulative folder and/or permanent record? At no time may a permanent record of a student be destroyed unless the district makes a complete copy of the inactive permanent record on photographic film or microfilm, which may be reproduced as needed and is stored in the central depository. Cumulative folders may be destroyed by order of the school board of the school district in not less than five (5) years after the permanent record of the student has become inactive and has been transferred to the central depository of the district. The permanent binding and preservation of the inactive records shall be the duty of the superintendent of the school district who shall maintain a central depository of the records. 27
Can the school use photocopies of the permanent record form? No. Photocopies of the permanent record form printed on regular paper are not acceptable as a substitute for the permanent record form prescribed by the State Board of Education. Schools must use the forms prescribed by the State Board of Education. Districts may request additional permanent record forms by contacting the Office of Accreditation. 28
What is the process for requesting blank cumulative folders and permanent records each year? A survey is provided to districts in the fall of each school year to estimate the number of documents that will be needed for the following school year. 29
State Codes The revised manual contains updated State codes for Entrance, Withdrawal, and Record of Transfer. The State Codes are found in Appendix B of the revised manual. 30
When a student transfers to a new school, can the cumulative folder be “held” until all fees and fines owed to the school have been paid? No! The cumulative folder follows the student and may not be held for any reason. The cumulative folder must be forwarded promptly upon request. 31
What happens when a student transfers to a public school in-state? Pages 9, 15-16, and 27 If a student transfers to another school district, the permanent record shall be kept permanently by the school district from which the student transferred. Only the cumulative folder follows the student. The permanent record of a student transferring from one school to another school within the same district shall follow the student, as does the cumulative folder. Only when a student moves out of a district does the school which the student last attended in that district retain the permanent record. The school receiving the transfer student from another district will need to create a new permanent record. 32
What happens when a student transfers to a private school or non-public accredited school in-state? Pages 9 and 16 A copy of the cumulative folder shall be furnished to the head of the school to which the student transfers. 33
What happens when a student transfers to a public or private school out-of-state? Page 16 A copy of the cumulative folder shall be furnished to the head of the school to which the student transfers. 34
How is attendance recorded? Pages 21 and 34 At the end of the school year, transfer from the register or school enrollment database, the days absent and the chief cause of absence(s). If a student transfers before the end of the semester, record the attendance in pencil. 35
When should student’s grades be recorded? Pages 22-23, 25, and 32-33 At the end of each semester Waiting until the end of the school year requires the following: Current schedule of courses and teachers at the beginning of the school year Copy of semester grades or report card at the end of the semester 36
Never remove any data that has been recorded on the student’s record. When a student retakes a course, is this information left on the cumulative folder and how are the grades computed? Never remove any data that has been recorded on the student’s record. Grading procedures are determined by local school board policy. 37
How are grades recorded for Credit Recovery? If a student receives a failing grade or an Incomplete (I) for a course and is enrolled in Credit Recovery: Enter the Credit Recovery course code 80100 in MSIS. Change the grade in MSIS and on the student’s record after the student completes the Credit Recovery course. Indicate that change of grade was due to Credit Recovery. 38
Is the Summary of High School Units on the permanent record required? Yes, this is a required section to record all high school units. Counselors should have a system to monitor units necessary to meet district’s graduation requirements. 39
What procedures are followed when a student transfers from a home school program or a non-accredited school? The district must… assess the student to determine the appropriate classification/placement of the student within 30 days after filing for transfer. develop and adopt a policy that specifies the test given for placement. Provide notice of the assessment to the applicant not less than five days prior to date of test administration. Refer to Accreditation Standard 13 regarding timeframe. 40
How do you transfer credit for a student who moves in from another accredited school? Accept the credit on the transcript without question. When course titles do not match MDE’s list of approved secondary courses, request an outline of the course content to determine if specific course requirements have been met for graduation. 41
Who signs the permanent record? The principal signs off at the point of graduation. 42
Transcripts A photocopy of the secondary side of the permanent record may serve as the transcript for admission to colleges and universities. Transcripts of a record may be mailed upon the written request of the student, the student’s parents, or the student’s legal guardian. When a transcript is given to one party at the written request of the student, it is not to be released to any other party without another written consent. 43
Graduation Concerns Transfer students must meet the graduation requirements of the local district that issues the diploma. School Board Policy establishes local graduation requirements. All grading and GPA procedures are based on local school board policy. See State Board Policy 3801 regarding students taking end-of-course tests. 44
Contact Information Office of Accreditation Mississippi Department of Education 601-359-3764 http://www.mde.k12.ms.us/accreditation 45