Digital Content Solutions Digital content management technology has transformed the way to manage content and knowledge, in this knowledge era. Research libraries, libraries, history archives, corporate and museums are increasingly getting aware of the need and power of digital content management.Digital content managementdigital content management
From the preservation perspective, digital content management technology offers important reformatting advantages over photocopy and microfilm, including its capability to create a higher quality reproduction of a deteriorating original, the ability to reproduce digital images over and over again with no loss of image quality, great flexibility in terms of output and distribution, and potential cost savings associated with storage and distribution
Many knowledge organizations are grappling with the challenges of preserving original documents and at the same time make them more accessible. convert your hardcopy materials (such as photographs, letters, journals, books, maps, manuscripts) to digital format along with content management solution on Unix, Linux and Windows platforms.
Digital content management systems can be used to publish and maintain course content digitally, moreover it can also cater to the various e-learning solution's needs across multiple disciplines or institutions. Our digital content management solutions are targeted to meet all your information, knowledge or content sharing objectives. content management systems digital content management solutions
Digital Content Management Document management System technology has changed the tactic to manage content in this knowledge era. The Document management System solution is offered to organizations looking to store, manage, and preserve their diverse documents for long-term use. Research libraries, libraries, history archives, corporate, and museums are increasingly getting aware of the need.
Digital database content management is used to publish and maintain course content digitally, moreover it can also cater to the various e-learning solution's needs across multiple disciplines or institutions. Binary's digital content solutions are targeted to meet all business information, knowledge or content sharing objectives. You can enable libraries to load digital assets, create associated metadata, and provide users with search tools to access the assets using document management solution system.content management
Digital Rights Management Digital rights management, or DRM, is a collective name for technologies that prevent consumers from using digital content such as movies, music, video games and software beyond the degree to which the copyright owners wishes to allow. DRM holds a lot more power — in terms of blocking access — than the old copyright warning at the beginning of a movie someone rented. Consumers' rights, once they buy digital content, could be at stake in this new digital world
Finding the Balance Between Creator's Rights and Consumer's Rights DRM regimes could upset the traditional balance between creators and consumers that existed in the pre-digital era. Technology has made it essential that consumers have clear information to guide them on what DRM-protected digital content will play on which devices and equipment
One new proposal, the DMCRA -- Digital Media Consumers' Rights Act, was created as a way to protect the balance — and make consumers informed about the digital media they buy. The bill would allow new consumer, educational and other noncommercial uses of digital content like CDs and DVDsDigital Media Consumers' Rights Act
What is Network Neutrality? Network neutrality is a fancy way of saying the networks that deliver the Internet should treat all content, sites, and applications equally and shouldn’t discriminate against certain traffic based on its source, destination or message. The basic idea is the Internet should be open so consumers have unrestricted access to lawful Web sites and online businesses can compete freely
What is Network Neutrality? Network neutrality is a fancy way of saying the networks that deliver the Internet should treat all content, sites, and applications equally and shouldn’t discriminate against certain traffic based on its source, destination or message. The basic idea is the Internet should be open so consumers have unrestricted access to lawful Web sites and online businesses can compete freely Digital Media : Content Management
To grow and adapt, businesses must focus on customer relationships. The Internet has changed that dynamic. You are now more empowered than ever to talk to customers. In this new era, your company’s communication strategy should take full advantage of this channel. Web site development and management should incorporate a combination of infrastructure, architecture and, increasingly more important today, effective content.