Process Writing Rubrics
First Draft Marks: Teacher gives marks for submission and correct word count Feedback: Teacher comments on content only
Second Draft Marks: Teacher gives marks for submission and changes to draft 1 Peer editing – done using photocopy of second draft Students use peer editing checklist
Third Draft Marks: Teacher gives marks for submission and changes to second draft Feedback: Teacher uses proofreading symbols to mark the script (see table) Teacher writes helpful/encouraging comments
Final Draft Marks: Teacher uses exam rubric Feedback: Teacher shows students their marks for final draft
Rubric – L1-3 BandTask FulfilmentLexis & SpellingGrammar & PunctuationCohesion & Coherence 3All parts of the task are addressed adequately Uses a good range of vocabulary (a variety of appropriate adjectives /collocations / idiomatic language) AND Spelling mostly correct Uses a variety of sentence types; simple sentences mostly accurate AND Punctuation mostly correct Well organised and logical AND Uses connectors appropriately 2Most parts of the task are addressed adequately Uses a range of vocabulary which is adequate for the task (attempts to use appropriate adjectives/collocations / idiomatic language) AND Spelling of high frequency words mostly correct Attempts one or two compound sentences; a few accurate simple sentences AND Some correct punctuation Some attempts to organise ideas in a logical way AND Uses some connectors appropriately 1Most parts of the task are not addressed adequately Uses a range of vocabulary which is less than adequate for the task OR Many errors in high frequency words Uses mostly simple sentences which are incomplete or inaccurate AND Punctuation inconsistent Ideas generally not organised in a logical way AND Limited /inaccurate use of connectors 0No part of the task has been addressed Uses vocabulary which is completely inappropriate for the task Cannot use sentence forms at all AND Punctuation errors predominate Ideas very incoherent OR No use of connectors
Rubric L 4-6 BandTask FulfilmentLexis & SpellingGrammar & PunctuationCohesion & Coherence 3All parts of the task are addressed adequately Uses a good range of vocabulary (a variety of appropriate adjectives /collocations / idiomatic language) AND Spelling mostly correct A mixture of simple, compound and complex sentences mostly accurate AND Punctuation mostly correct Well organised and logical AND Uses a variety of cohesive devices appropriately 2Most parts of the task are addressed adequately Uses a range of vocabulary which is adequate for the task (attempts to use appropriate adjectives/collocations / idiomatic language) AND Spelling of high frequency words mostly correct A mixture of simple, compound and complex sentences - often inaccurate AND Punctuation mostly correct Some attempts to organise ideas in a logical way AND Uses some cohesive devices appropriately 1Most parts of the task are not addressed adequately Uses a range of vocabulary which is less than adequate for the task OR Many errors in high frequency words Attempts a mixture of simple, complex and compound sentences, but with frequent basic inaccuracies AND Punctuation inconsistent Ideas generally not organised in a logical way AND Limited /inaccurate use of cohesive devices 0No part of the task has been addressed Uses vocabulary which is completely inappropriate for the task Uses mostly simple sentences which are incomplete or inaccurate AND Punctuation errors predominate Ideas very incoherent AND Inaccurate use of cohesive devices
Word Count LevelWord Count 1At least 75 words 2At least 100 words 3At least 125 words 4At least 150 words 5At least 175 words 6At least 200 words
Key Dates TaskDate CA training for teachersSat 26 November Teachers introduce process writing to class Sun 27 November Students submit 1 st draftTue 29 November Teachers return 1 st draft with commentsSat 3 December Students submit 2 nd draftMon 5 December Peer editingWed 7 December Students submit 3 rd draftSun 11 December Teachers return 3 rd draft with commentsTue 13 December Students submit final draftSat 17 December Teachers give feedback on final versionTues 20 December