講者: 許永昌 老師 1
Contents Example: rocket Review of Circular Kinematics Action: the cause of the centripetal acceleration Circular orbits vs. Weightlessness Fictitious Forces Action: Why does the Water Stay in the Bucket? 2
Example: Rocket ( 請預讀 P210~P212) A rocket of mass m is launched at a 45 o angle and then maintains the body of the rocket at The thrust force is F thrust, and it is assumed that the mass and thrust remain unchanged. Find the motion of the rocket (1) in the absence of gravity. (2) with gravity. 3
Review of Circular Kinematics ( 請 預讀 P213~P214) 4 這一頁寫的是最一般的形式。
Review of Circular Kinematics ( 請 預讀 P226~P228) 5
Action: the cause of the centripetal acceleration ( 請預讀 P214~P218) 6
Circular orbits vs. Weightlessness ( 請 預讀 P219~P221) 7
Homework Student Workbook:
Fictitious Forces ( 請預讀 P222~P223) 9
Action: Why does the Water Stay in the Bucket? ( 請預讀 P223~P225) Purpose: To understand the reason. Objects: A Marble with a string. A bucket with soft foam blocks. Actions: Swing the string over the head. Fast slow. Swing the bucket over the head. Fast slow. Hint: 10
Summary of Part I ( 請預讀 P236) 11
Homework Student Workbook: P8-5~P8-6. Textbook: Terms and Notation ( 只有兩個單字 ) 12