Use the Library & its Resources to Your Advantage MAE 4310 Introduction to Automatic Control Library Introduction Library Research Assignment Fall 2013 Librarian contact: SEL Reference Desk Key Assignment – Survey the literature using library resources, formulate a solution to the engineering problem given in class. Summarize a specific journal article relevant to the problem jointly with the solution in form of a written report. MAE4310 Subbarao1 Science & Engineering Library Nedderman Hall Basement
Searching for technical papers Using UTA Library Resources Databases Aerospace & High Technology Database AIAA Online Technical Information: Meeting Papers Engineering Village (Compendex) DTIC Public STINET NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reports (STAR) IEEE Xplore ScienceDirect MAE4310 Subbarao2 Some databases provide full-text of articles and some are to be used in conjunction with another database
Some databases will provide full-text of articles and some are to be used in conjunction with another database Especially true for Aerospace & High Technology Database AIAA Online Technical Information: Meeting Papers Engineering Village potentially links to full-text in IEEE Xplore ScienceDirect MAE4310 Subbarao3
Aerospace & High Technology Database Coverage: 1962-present; (some older documents; some sources full text) Known as the Aerospace Database, the online version of International Aerospace Abstracts. Indexes AIAA meeting papers, journal articles, reports from NASA and other US and international agencies. Covers basic and applied research in aeronautics, astronautics, and space sciences. MAE4310 Subbarao4
Engineering Village (Compendex) Coverage: 1969-present Some full-text availability Features Create personal account Export citations to RefWorks bibliographic citation manager alerts MAE4310 Subbarao5
DTIC (Defense Technical Information Center) MAE4310 Subbarao6
UTA Libraries Online – Navigating to these databases Library websitePlaces to know MAE4310 Subbarao7
Finding Electronic Journals with Full-text MAE4310 Subbarao8
Things to Keep in Mind Do not limit your research to full-text database only The citation or citation & abstract may be located in one database, but the full-text article may be found in another database. The full-text articles may be found in journals that the UTA Libraries only has in print format Do not search for journal articles in the online catalog. Search for specific journals or books Use the research databases to look for journal articles, conference & proceedings papers Use the online catalog to search for books (e.g. Aircraft control and simulation), whole journals (e.g. Journal of guidance control and dynamics), theses and dissertations, video-recordings, technical reports MAE4310 Subbarao9
10 Typical Documents Necessary for Research in Engineering Journal articles Conference articles Conference proceedings Monograph (book) chapter Monograph (book) review Bibliographies or references in an journal article or book Papers presented at conferences, congresses, meetings, symposia, workshops Report chapter Report review Technical papers Dissertation Theses Unpublished paper
Periodical Indexes and or Abstracts Includes citation information (author, article title, journal name, volume/issue, publisher, page numbers) Citations with abstracts (summary or quick review of record) Many full-text documents available online Subject headings Other search fields MAE4310 Subbarao11
Periodical Title Abbreviations MAE4310 Subbarao12 Citations and cited references may have the journal in an abbreviated form. A journal’s name may be cited in abbreviated form in some references. Use the following source to determine the journal’s full name: Periodical Title Abbreviations: By Abbreviation Location: Science & Engineering Library Reference Collection Call number: PN 4710.Z997 Another source is All that JAS: Journal Abbreviation Sources Available online
WorldCat MAE4310 Subbarao13 Can be used in conjunction with Interlibrary Loan Service Ask for assistance if needed.
Other Important Stuff to Know Remote Access Instructions 18 Wireless laptops in SEL (Science & Engineering Library) for 24-hour checkout 3 Group Study Rooms in SEL Each with Smartboard & whiteboard Each with PC can be connected to Smartboard 2 Printers 1 Photocopy Machines in SEL Scanners Reserves & Electronic Reserves MAE4310 Subbarao14
MAE4310 Subbarao15 Online Catalog Guided Search Highlight what you want search engine to search Use Library Catalog to find a specific book, authors of books, or specific journals Library Catalog does not index individual articles from journals or chapters in books Guided Search- Keyword searching- more flexibility
Course Reserves – What does your professor have on Reserve ?? MAE4310 Subbarao16
Good Advice: Avoid Plagiarism Simply stated: DO NOT PLAGIARIZE! Plagiarism is the act of using someone else’s thoughts, ideas, or intellectual content and claiming them as your own. In other words, you are not giving credit to the source of the thoughts, ideas, or intellectual content. That was my own definition of plagiarism Acknowledge your sources. Give credit where credit is due. References (Citations, bibliography) Plagiarism has dreadful consequences Use RefWorks (more on that later in presentation) MAE4310 Subbarao17
Avoid Plagiarizing: Cite Your Sources Acknowledge or cite sources you use: Someone’s own ideas, or theory Facts or statistics Graphs or drawings Quotations of someone’s actual spoken or written words If not using quotation, but someone’s idea, spoken or written words -- Paraphrase If the information is Not “common knowledge”, you must cite your source Citation tells you, who wrote the article, title of the article, when it was published, the name of the source/journal and where you can find the specific article Author(s) - Publication date - Title of article – Source (Title of journal or magazine) - Volume and (issue) – Page numbers MAE4310 Subbarao18
Paraphrasing Original “It is better to go to a house of mourning than to go to a house of feasting, for death is the destiny of every man; the living should take this to heart. ” Ecclesiastes 7:2 New International Version Paraphrase by an author of the passage above “You may feel it’s morbid to think about death, but actually it’s unhealthy to live in denial of death and not consider what is inevitable.” Rick Warren, The Purpose Driven Life, (Zondervan: Grand Rapids, 2002) MAE4310 Subbarao19
RefWorks – Found in the A-Z list of Databases Add citations from library databases to your own personalized “RefWorks” database Requires a log-in name and password – Create an account – no charge Ways to add citations to your RefWorks account: direct importing, text file importing, creating entries “from scratch” Create folders to organize citations Perform searches within your RefWorks account Create bibliographies in the appropriate style format “instantly” e.g. ASME, IEEE, APA, etc. Use “Write-N-Cite” to insert in-text citations into a paper MAE4310 Subbarao20
Helpful Information to Learn Why & How to Avoid Plagiarism UTA Student Affairs Judicial Affairs egrity.php egrity.php University of Texas at Arlington Libraries Tutorial from UTA Libraries m/ m/ MAE4310 Subbarao21
More Things to Keep in Mind Books, articles, etc. may have to be requested via the Interlibrary Loan service Plan Ahead, allow 2 weeks turn-around time TexShare Card if you want to use other Texas Libraries. Online application List of participants: /programs.html /programs.html MAE4310 Subbarao22