Paley’s Second Argument
Design Qua Regularity Paley’s second argument was very similar to that of Aquinas The universe seems to act according to various laws e.g. laws of motion, Newton’s laws or Kepplars laws of planetary motion! THIS IS EVIDENCE OF DESIGN!
Task 1 I have given you loads of information but now is time to use it! Behind you my wall is full of old information. I want to put up some of your notes on those boards. I want you to split into 4’s and take an A3 sheet.
General Background Info and definitions Aquinas and his fifth way Paley and the Watchmaker Our Response so far Argument from Design
Once finished a year 9 should be able to read your work and gain a good understanding of what is going on. You may photograph the completed sheets for your records or I can Photocopy if you would rather!
Task 2 Write 10 statements that can adequately sum up the arguments of Paley and Aquinas.
Task 3 Imagine Aquinas and Paley met… How would the conversation go? Do you think they would agree on things? Or would they find things that would cause friction?