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Let’s start searching!
Can you find this article using LINC ? Baird, S., McIntosh, C., & Özler, B. (2011). Cash or Condition? Evidence from a Cash Transfer Experiment. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 126(4), doi: /qje/qjr032
Book Chapter Ochs, E. (1984). Language acquisition and socialization. In R. Levine (Ed.), Culture theory: Essays in mind, self, and emotion (pp ). New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. Deciphering References and Citations… Journal Article Arakji, R. Y., & Lang, K. R. (2008). Avatar business value analysis: A method for the evaluation of business value creation in virtual commerce. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 9, Journal Article Phillips, M. (2001, October). Reducing the cost of Bluetooth systems. Electronics & Communication Engineering Journal, 13(5), Book Lewis, H., & Gertsakis, J. (2001). Design + environment: a global guide to designing greener goods. Sheffield: Greenleaf.
Where should you start from?
Differences between LINC & LINC+
“I know exactly what I want…” Situation 1
Let’s try! Search for book title: Freedomnomics in LINC+
Exercises Search the following titles and write down their call numbers! History and September 11th edited by Joanne Meyerowitz Call No: ____________ Ecotechnology and Environmental Issues edited by Arvind Kumar & Kumar Prasun Ramakrishnan. Call No: ____________ Match the given call numbers to the correct titles: TA658 Ono 2012 a. The rise of the great powers, / Derek McKay and H.M. Scott b. Statics and strength of materials for architecture and building construction / Barry Onouye and Kevin Kane. HV His 2003 GE350 Eco 2009
Finding Journal articles Baird, S., McIntosh, C., & Özler, B. (2011). Cash or Condition? Evidence from a Cash Transfer Experiment. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 126(4), doi: /qje/qjr032 Article title Journal title Highly recommended : Search LINC+ for the Journal title not Article title !
Let’s try! Search for journal title: Quarterly Journal of Economics in LINC+
“I just want to browse and explore…” Situation 2
Let’s try! Search for Global Warming in LINC+
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Select this option to get to the bottom of the page. You can then broaden your search by other related terms. Select one of the tags to start a brand new search based on the selected term Broadening a search
Articles tab in LINC+ only covers a few databases
Situation 2: Exploratory / Topical Search LINC+ is ideal for exploratory searches It’s just like Google but more! Allows for refinement by facets Broaden your search easily
“I need to export my search results…” Situation 3
Mark records for future reference!
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A software that: stores and organizes citations inserts citations into a Word document format references in a predefined citation style 32 Have you heard of Endnote ?
Exporting a search to EndNote from LINC Check against the titles you’ll like to save from the search results page
Click on Export Saved List
Choose your export format Type your address if you wish to the list to yourself
Find out more about EndNote and look out for upcoming tutorials! :
“I need to find journal articles on a certain topic…” Situation 4
Journal article options 1.Search individual databases (e.g JSTOR, Scopus, Web of Science) 2.Search using “Articles” in LINC+ 3.Google Scholar
Or, get to know your subject-specific databases from our subject guides! Click on Subject Guides tab on the library portal page Each Subject Guide has a list of recommended databases
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Let’s try! Search for “global warming” AND “climate change” in Scopus
Click to locate full text of the article, depending on whether the library subscribes to the publication.
Like Google, but only searches for scholarly results! Have you heard of Google Scholar?
In the search box on the library portal page, key in : proxy bookmarklet What does the Proxy Bookmarklet do? Helps you get full text of articles using Google Scholar!
Video clip: How to install & use the Proxy Bookmarklet ?
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