Guidelines and Standard Procedure in the Conduct of the Major Testing Programs of NETRC: A Unified Approach CONTENTS SLIDE/PAGE.


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Guidelines and Standard Procedure in the Conduct of the Major Testing Programs of NETRC: A Unified Approach CONTENTS SLIDE/PAGE NO. NCAE and NAT 1. Reminders before Testing Day (Assignment of Testing Staff, Information Dissemination, Test Materials Allocation).................... 3-6 2. Roles of Testing Staff............................................. 8-13 3. NETRC Forms...................................................... 14 4. Board Work......................................................... 15-21 5. Breaktime.......................................................... 22 6. Pre-test Reminders.............................................. 7,23-24 7. Information in the AS (NCAE, G3,G6 &Y2 ).................... 25-27 8. Test Proper......................................................... 28 9. Post-test Reminders............................................. 29-34 10. Filling out the School Header................................. 35-38 11. Preparation of Enrolment Data............................... 39-41 12. Special NCAE & Test Results Dissemination ................. 42-43 13. Generic Forms.................................. ................. 44-50 14. School Headers................................. ................. 52-59 16. Converging Areas Where the NAT (3 levels) and NCAE are Parallel in the Handbook..................... 62 17. Evaluation Sheet on Forwarder’s Performance............ 63-64 18. Case Analysis..................................................... 65-74 PEPT.................................................................... 76-107

Part I: The 2011 NCAE and NAT Part II: The 2011 PEPT National career assessment examination National Achievement Test (Grade 3, Grade 6 and Year II) Part II: The 2011 PEPT Philippine Educational Placement test Department of Education National Education Testing and Research Center 2011

NCAE and NAT: Reminders before Testing Day 1. The SDS and DTC should strictly enforce that the test materials are distributed a day before the examination date to far schools and early in the morning in nearby schools. 2. Assignment of Testing Staff shall be done by the SDS. Public Schools Room Examiners are teachers coming from another school district (NAT Grades 3 & 6) or coming from another school within the division (NAT Year 2 and NCAE). An exemption rules out when a lone school is found in the hinterlands in which case teachers from nearby elementary school will serve as the examiners. Room Supervisors are teachers coming from another school other than those schools where room examiners will be assigned. Chief Examiners are school heads of another public school. School Testing Coordinators will stay in their respective schools.

NCAE and NAT: Reminders before Testing Day Private Schools Room examiners are teachers coming from public high schools (NCAE). Teachers from two or more small size private high schools are examiners in a big high school. Contrastingly, the teachers from a big high school can be assigned in the said small size high schools. An exemption rules out when a lone private school is found in a municipality in which case teachers from nearby public schools shall serve as the examiners. Room supervisors are teachers coming from private or public high schools other than those schools where the room examiners will be assigned. The school head of the private school shall serve as the chief examiner in his respective school. The designated school testing coordinator shall be assigned in another private school. Note: The room examiners in one testing center should come from different schools and the assignment should be known by them only a day before the examination day.

NCAE and NAT: Reminders before Testing Day 3. Information Dissemination Inform the examinees to bring pencils (lead #2) on exam day. Inform the second year students taking the NAT and fourth year students taking the NCAE to bring snacks/lunch on exam day. Testing is more than 5 hours. Nobody is allowed to leave the testing room/center on exam day. For NCAE applicants: OSY applicants, A&E qualifiers and CHED Scholarship applicants can be integrated in the list of the school where they intend to be tested but should be marked in the Form I. Inform all schools that list of examinees must be alphabetically arranged in the whole school. Males first then the females. Private schools without permit to operate are excluded from Test Administration.

NCAE and NAT: Reminders before Testing Day The following are exempted from taking the NAT: Grade VII, classes of Behavioral Programs , the Hearing Impaired and Mental Retardates, the Home Study Programs, newly-enrolled foreign students, irregular students with back subjects, American Standard Curriculum and students in night classes. Visually-impaired students are exempted to take the NCAE due to non-availability of Braille Form. In case there are five or less examinees in excess, they can be integrated in the last five rooms, each accommodating an examinee. Examinees from small-size private schools can be merged and tested in one testing center in a city or in a municipality.

Pretest : Number of Sessions/TBs Allocation NCAE for Fourth Year: one session only NAT for Grade 3: three sessions (All public schools including Madrasah private schools) NAT for Grade 6: two sessions (All public and private schools) NAT for Second Year : one session only * 50% of TB Allocation in the grades with two sessions but a minimum of 60 examinees shall have a 100% allocation. * Buffers will be provided to big high schools (5% of its total enrolment in packs of 5’s).

Responsibilities of the Chief Examiner/ School Testing Coordinator (STC) Maintains the security and confidentiality of test materials received from the DTC; He/She is accountable and responsible for all test materials received. This ends when materials shall have been returned to the DTC; Assigns a room where all Room Examiners can be met before and after the administration of the test in their respective testing rooms; Counts all packs of test booklets and/or answer sheets before releasing them to each Room Examiner;

Responsibilities of the Chief Examiner/ School Testing Coordinator (STC) Records pertinent data about the test materials released to and received from the Room Examiners in the Accounting Form (Form 3); and Forms 4, 5, 6 and in the School Header. Distributes the test booklets to each Room Examiner and remind him/her to count these without opening the pack and before leaving the room; and Follows the instruction for Accounting and Packing of Test Materials found at the latter part of the Handbook. Being aware of the details of the testing program to be administered. Note: The STC, using pencils, are expected to prepare the School Headers Data ahead of time using replicas to be transcribed in original forms

Responsibilities of the Room Supervisor Monitors the conduct of the test administration in a testing center with 5 or more testing rooms (Grade 6,Year 2 and NCAE ) and 10 or more testing rooms (Grade 3). Checks if the room examiners adhere to instructions in the Examiners Handbook. Assists the Chief Examiner in counting the Test Booklets per pack and the number of ETRE’s. Note: The number of the room supervisors assigned in a testing center will depend on the number of examinees in an examination room. Below is the ratio: 1 Room Supervisor is assigned in every 10 rooms if there are 20 examinees/room 1 Room Supervisor is assigned in every 5 rooms if there are 30 examinees/room Roles of the district supervisor Assists in the distribution of test materials in the district (NAT Grades 3 and 6). Monitors the conduct of NAT in the district

Responsibilities of the Room Examiner Counts the test booklets and answer sheets without opening the plastic bags containing them before proceeding to his/her assigned testing room. Any discrepancy should be acted upon immediately and this should be reported in the Chief Examiner’s Report; Signs the Test Materials Accounting Form as he/she receives the test materials from the Chief Examiner/School Testing Coordinator while still in the distribution room. Checks if the examinees have lead pencils to use and a sheet of blank paper for computation purposes; Facilitates the recording of the Examinee Number and Test Booklet Number of the Examinees in the NETRC Form 2, Seat Plan;

Responsibilities of the Room Examiner Follows strictly the Examiner’s Unified Handbook during test administration; Keeps custody of all the used and unused Test booklets but are not allowed to read the contents of test booklets; otherwise, he/she will be given corresponding sanctions based on DECS Order No. 85, s. 1999; Checks the contents of the ETRE before he/she seals it while still in the examination room; and (For Grade 3 only) Assists the examinees in accomplishing the name grid and other pertinent personal information about herself/himself and other school-related information. Fills in the data in Forms 1 and 2.

Responsibilities of the Monitors NETRC staff-monitors will be assigned to any testing center(s) nationwide, unannounced in the field. External-volunteer monitors from civil society (e.g. SK, church members, NGO’s, to report incidents of cheating. The process should be duly documented with photos and narrative reports. The expenses incurred by external-volunteers are not chargeable to NETRC funds.

NETRC Forms Form 1 - List of Examinees (List of GASTPE grantees reflected in G6 & Y2) Form 2 - Seat Plan Form 3 - Chief Examiner’s Accounting Form Form 4 - Chief Examiner’s Narrative Report Form 5 - Test Booklet Quantity and Completeness Verification Sheet (to be collected by the DTC and to be placed in Box 1 of the Division; on top of the TBs) Form 6 - Answer Sheet Quantity and Completeness Verification Sheet (to be collected by the DTC and to be placed in Box 1 of the Division; on top of the C/ETREs) Note: Forms 5 and 6 printed in one sheet of paper but to be cut in perforated lines to be inserted separately in the identified boxes.

Board Work : NCAE

Board Work : NCAE

Board Work : NAT Grade 3 Note: One TB for Reading and Grammar in Filipino and English, Science, and Mathematics Time Started Time to End General Directions & Sample Items 5 mins __________ Part I (EDQ) 1 – 6 5 mins ___________ Part II (Test Proper) Time Started Time to End Reading Test in English 1 – 20 ___________ Reading Test in Filipino 1 – 20 English Grammar 1 – 10 Filipino Grammar 1 – 10 Science 1 – 15 Mathematics 1 – 15 ___________ Total time limit: 1 hr & 30 mins * Use same board work for the second session.

One TB for Filipino, Mathematics, English, Science, and HeKaSi Board Work : NAT Grade 6 Note: One TB for Filipino, Mathematics, English, Science, and HeKaSi Time Started Time to End General Directions & Sample Items 5 mins __________ Part I (EDQ) 1 – 10 5 mins __________

Board Work : NAT Grade 6 Part II (Test Proper) Time Started Time to End Filipino 1 – 40 ___________ Mathematics 1 – 40 English 1 – 40 Break 15 mins Science 1 – 40 HEKASI 1 – 40 _________ Composition Writing in sample schools 20 mins Total time limit: 3 hrs & 50 mins * Use same board work for the second session.

Board Work : NAT Second Year Note: One TB for Filipino, Mathematics, English, Science, and Araling Panlipunan Time Started Time to End General Directions & Sample Items 5 mins __________ Part I (EDQ) 1 – 15 5 mins ___________

Board Work : NAT Second Year

BREAK TIME NCAE Year IV, 30 min lunch break NAT Grade 6, 15 min snacks break NAT Year II, 30 min lunch break

Pretest : Entrance and Seating Arrangement NAT Grade 3: 20 examinees in a room Seats are 4 rows of 5 NAT Grade 6 and Year II and NCAE: 30 examinees in a room Seats are 6 rows of 5 Count TBs before opening package in front of examinees. Do not allow electronic devices – calculator & cell phones in the exam room. All belongings shall be placed in front beneath the blackboard. Only pencils, sharpeners and a computation paper shall be with the examinees while test is going on.

Pretest : Distributing and Checking the TBs and ASs Distribute from right to left and from lowest number. Check page by page. Place defective/unused TB and AS, if any, in the plastic bag. Check and double check that all Examinees have shaded the correct circles pertaining to the NAME GRID and all the necessary information about the Examinee. Examinees are reminded to use eraser for pencils/tape eraser in erasing shaded circles. Do not start the Test Proper unless each examinee has shaded properly the NAME GRID. No examinees should start accomplishing the NAME GRID unless they have shown their pencils.

Information in the Answer Sheet: NAT Grade 3 Name Grid (refer to large replica), School Code (Region, Division, School ID), School Name, Gender, Nutritional Status, Type of Community, Are You a Moslem, Enrolled in MADRASAH, Latest Grade in English, Filipino, Science, Math Subjects, Number of Pupils in a Section, Age and Signature

Information in the Answer Sheet: NAT Grade 6 and Year II Examinee Stub, Name Grid (refer to replica), Birth Date, Nutritional Status, School Code (Region, Division, School ID), Gender, Number of Pupils in a Section, School Subject Grade in the 5 Subjects, Type of Community, Are You a Moslem, Enrolled in MADRASAH, Name and Address of School, Signature Examinees with 1.0 to 5.0 Ratings e.g. students from science high schools - refer to the numerical/percentage equivalents

Information in the Answer Sheet: NCAE Examinee Stub, Name Grid (refer to replica) School Code (Region, Division, School ID) Examinees with 1.0 to 5.0 Ratings e.g. Students from science high schools – refer to the numerical/percentage equivalents.

Test Proper Read verbatim the boxed portions in the handbook. Don’t translate in local language/dialect. Always record the time started and the time the subject test will end. Don’t add nor subtract minutes in the time. Accomplish the Seat Plan while the examinees are answering the EDQ.

Post test Give five minutes to inspect and clean the Answer Sheet. For Grade 6 & Year 2 students, instruct examinees to tear the examinee stubs before collecting the ASs. The examinee stubs should be turned over by the Room Examiner to the School Testing Coordinator (for public schools) and to the School Heads (in private schools). Count TBs and ASs before allowing examinees to leave the room. Note: The examinee stubs have to be turned over to the principal/guidance counselor of the school.

Post Test: Accounting of Test Materials and Preparation of Reports Count and arrange TBs and ASs according to serial number sequence respectively. Accomplish the ETRE’s Data. Indicate the number of registrants and the actual number of examinees. After the contents have been accounted for, SEAL the ETRE with DepED-NETRC paper tape in the exam room and sign across it. Account for and submit to the Chief Examiner what you have received.

Post Test: Contents of Room Examiner’s ETRE Examiner’s Narrative Report Report on time test started and ended Used Answer Sheets placed in original plastic bag (photocopied AS should be on top of the used AS; if any) Copy of NETRC Forms 1 and 2 Post Test: Contents of Chief Examiner’s ETRE Unused Answer Sheets NETRC Form 3, Test Materials Accounting Form NETRC Form 4, Chief Examiner’s Report Form School Header Note: Forms 5 & 6 shall be submitted separately to the DTCs.

Post Test: Materials for Submission to the Division Office Bundles of R/CETREs placed in the original boxes Bundles of used and unused TBs placed in the original boxes Examiner’s Handbook NETRC Form 5, Test Booklet Quantity and Completeness Verification Sheet, to be placed inside box no. 1 of the Division on top of the TBs NETRC Form 6, Answer Sheet Quantity and Completeness Verification Sheet, to be placed inside box no. 1 of the Division on top of the ASs Take note of the time and date of the Forwarder’s retrieval of the test materials. Accomplish the Questionnaire on Forwarder’s performance. Notify the NETRC if test materials are ready for retrieval or if they were not retrieved promptly.

On the Storage of Examiner’s Handbook and Name Grids Examiner’s Handbook will be stored in the Division Office. Name Grid replicas will be stored in the schools or testing centers. Both documents are for future use. Replicas of the name grid intended for each testing program should be properly stored and utilized in each school. The name grid can be generic to all testing programs. Hence, this is reusable for future use. There may be non-reprinting of name grid in future test administration.

Test Materials for Retrieval/Storage Test Materials for Retrieval by NETRC All Test Booklets packed in original boxes for Test Booklets; All used Answer Sheets in ETRE’s together with Forms 1 and 2 and narrative report of Examiners; All unused Answer Sheets in CETRE’s together with Forms 3 and 4 and School Headers packed in original boxes for Answer Sheets; and Forms 5 and 6 submitted to DTC’s Note: Don’t mix-up test booklets with answer sheets. Two separate warehouses are used by the NETRC. Otherwise, these will not be accounted properly.

Filling Out the School Header The data have to be prepared by the STC days ahead before exam day using replicas. Lead PENCIL only, not ball pen. The data from the replica have to be transcribed in the scannable School Header using a PENCIL (lead# 2) during examination day. Take note of the labels of each variable intended either grade/year level or school concerns. Observe place values in filling out the variables: - Percentage rates of the education indicators - The three place values are for 100% while two place values are below 100%. Ex. 95% 9 5 100% 1

Filling Out the School Header - Nominal counts of Data – start filling out the last box for one’s, next box for ten’s, next third box from the last is for hundreds, and so forth. Zeroes have to be filled out for the empty boxes. Ex. An enrolment of 203 is filled out as: An enrolment of 94 is filled out as: GASTPE Grantees (For private schools only) specified by year levels - Take note of the bubbles for EVS and ECS. - Take note if there are GASTPE Grantees in Grade 6. Dropout rate is to be based on previous year of the grade/year level for NAT. Take note of new features or additional information in every set of a SH. 2 3 9 4

Instruction for Filling Out the School Header The data to be filled in are all pertaining to the current or present school year. Participation rate will not be filled out. The following variables are grade/year level concerns: - Total Enrolment as of July/August - Total Registrants (enrolment as of March) - Actual examinees (as of examination day) - Conduct of SPED classes - Conduct of remedial reading classes - Number of shifts per day - Extent NAT results are utilized - Pupil/students-textbook ratio

Instruction for Filling Out the School Header The remaining variables are school concerns. The number of teachers and pupil/students-textbook ratios will take into account national funding. Major and minor subjects will not be taken into account in the school headers for the NAT Grade 3 and Grade 6. Use the same school ID as prescribed by BEIS.

Preparation of Enrolment Data for Grade 3, Grade 6 and Year 2 The enrolment data (using July 30 enrolment) have to be submitted by the DTC during the national orientation for the PEPT administration which also serves as the cut-off period. If the DTC cannot attend the said orientation, the enrolment data should be sent through e-mail and NOT through fax. The NETRC will make use of the enrolment data for non-submission on the cut-off period. Use standard format in the preparation of enrolment data. Soft and hard copies have to be submitted (see attached format). No gender segregation for total enrolment. Group schools by municipality not alphabetically. Lone district is the only one of a certain province while the first district is a part of a large province having more than one constituency. In Excel Format.

Preparation of Enrolment Data for Grade 3 and Grade 6 Note: Prepare another enrolment data for Year 2 and Year 4 using the same format

On School ID’s BEIS and NETRC are using similar school ID’s recognized by DepED; New schools without school ID are given temporary ID by the NETRC and no other sources to avoid duplication and to facilitate allocation of TM’s; and The issued temporary school ID number by NETRC will now be used as permanent school ID until such time that DepED issues a new one.

The Special NCAE for the: Out-of-school Youth Interested A & E Qualifiers CHED Scholarship applicants REQUIREMENTS (Any of the following): A letter of intent signed by the parents is required to be submitted to the Division Office A Medical Certificate due to illness during the regular NCAE A & E Certificate of Rating for A & E Qualifiers Validated CHED Scholarship grant notice Note: The special NCAE will be administered on a Sunday simultaneous with the PEPT administration.

Test Results Dissemination No hardcopy will be provided to all division offices. This in line with the Secretary’s mandate to utilize ICT in education. Explore the NETRC website to avail the NETRC test results. Schools can only log in by using their own School ID as Username and Password. Example: Username: 702406 Password: 702406 The results will be posted for six (6) months only. Secure soft copy of the results, which is convertible to Excel file, from the Website. NETRC Website Homepage: Division/School Account Log In Page: On the request for NAT Division Performance - All divisions and regions will be provided with their respective NAT performance rates through e-mail.

The Generic Forms Form 1

Form 2 Note: Only twenty seaters for Grade 3.

Form 3

Form 4

Forms 5 and 6

Room Examiner’s Transmittal Report Envelope

Chief Examiner’s Transmittal Report Envelope

Instructions to the Chief Examiner Relative to Forms 5 and 6 Separate the two Forms by cutting the perforated lines. Fill out the needed data in both forms. These forms should be submitted to the Division Testing Coordinator (DTC) and not placed inside the CETRE. The DTC puts all Form 5’s submitted to him/her by every Chief Examiner in the First Box of the Division’s boxes for the Test Booklets. Do the same with Form 6 but all of Form 6’s will be placed in the First Box of the Division’s boxes for the Answer Sheets.

NCAE School Header-front

NCAE School Header-back

NAT Grade 3 School Header-Front

NAT Grade 3 School Header-back

NAT Grade 6 School Header-front

NAT Grade 6 School Header-back

NAT Second Year School Header-front

NAT Second Year School Header-back

Guidelines in the Preparation of Enrolment Data for the NAT and NCAE Two sets of matrices for the enrolment data shall be prepared: Elementary level covering Grades 3 and 6; Secondary level covering Year 2 and Year 4; The enrolment data starting July 30, 2011 or beyond should be the basis; Consider only total enrolment for each school. No gender segregation; Group schools by municipality and not in alphabetical order as to listing of schools; Legislative district is considered and not school district; Lone district is the only one in the province, while first district is a part of a large province having more than one constituency; Provide separate lists for elementary schools (Grades 3 and 6) and secondary schools (Second Year); Use the standard format found below in the preparation of enrolment data. Soft and hard copies have to be submitted in Excel format; and On school ID’s: - BEIS and NETRC are using similar school ID’s both recognized by the Department - New schools without school ID’s are given temporary ones by the NETRC and no other sources to avoid duplication and to facilitate allocation of Test Materials - The issued temporary school ID’s by NETRC will be used permanent for future test administration until such time when DepED issues another one - In case the school ID’s differ from the School Header follow the one indicated in the School Header.

Converging Areas Where the NAT (3 Levels) and NCAE are Parallel in the Examiner’s Handbook as Indicated in Checkmarks

Evaluation Sheet on Forwarder’s Performance

Case Analysis In a public school, the CE released 30 TB’s for NAT Grade 6 to RE assigned in Room 1. This figure is consistent with the data in Form 3. During the retrieval time, the CE received the TM’s of RE without bothering to count them. When the CE returned the TM’s to the DTC, it was found out that one TB was missing. Which part of the EH was violated? __________________________ At what stage of test administration was the TB lost? __________________________ Who among the Testing Staff were accountable? __________________________

Case Analysis One perennial problem of NETRC is on dealing with schools which were not released with the COR of their respective examiner. What is the main source of this problem?______________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Recommendations: ____________________________________________________________________________________________

Case Analysis There were instances where examinees had mispelled names or erroneous middle initials. Hence, requests were made to rectify entries. What could be the reason for this problem? _________________________________ ________________________________________________ Recommendations:

Case Analysis Upon school opening, the enrolment data of Y4 are needed by NETRC for an estimate of NCAE test materials. One potent source for this is the third year enrolment from the School Header. However, the data appeared to be unreliable, about three million of third year students were generated. What could have caused this predicament? ________________________________ ________________________________________________ Recommendations:

Case Analysis An unprogrammed activity of the NETRC is the conduct of Special NCAE. However, it was observed that some divisions kept on providing the NETRC a long list of prospective takers during the season for the administration of the regular PEPT in November. Why did this happen? __________________________________ ________________________________________________ Recommendations:

Case Analysis In one of the school visits of the key officials in the Central Office, the principals were interviewed as to the maximized utilization of NAT results. Suprisingly, the NAT achievement level of his respective school is unknown to him. What could be the main reason for this?_____________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Are NAT results important at the school level? ________________________________________________ How could this have been accessed by the School Head? _____________________________________________________

Case Analysis The Y2 NAT takers of a high school failed to take the OIISS.... In the affidavit of the Room Examiners who were asked to explain by NETRC through the SDS, it has stated that they inquired from the Chief Examiner whether the OIISS should be administered since this was not a part of the NAT last year. The response was this, “Hindi ko baga alam yan.” So why do we have to administer it? What could be inferred from this situation? ________________________________________________________

Case Analysis Similarly in another high school, the Y2 students failed to take the OIISS in two or more rooms. When the Room Examiners were asked to explain by NETRC through the SDS, the reason was this, the students don’t want to answer anymore for they are tired already. What could have been done to let the Y2 students take also the OIISS? ___________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

Case Analysis 9. There were examinees from the public high schools who were identified in data processing as GASTPE grantees. Should this situation happen in public schools? ______________________________________ Why? ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________

Case Analysis Recommendations: 10. One division had submitted the enrolment data only for public schools. The DTC realized this only when she received the boxes of test materials. What she did was to request the NETRC to provide her additional test materials which were favorably acted upon. However, it cost NETRC thousands to transport the TM’s thru LBC. How could this problem be avoided? _____________________ _________________________________________________________ Recommendations:

Part II: The 2011 Philippine Educational Placement Test (PEPT) National Education Testing and Research Center

Preliminary Concerns DepEd Order No. 32.s. 2002. Administration of the Philippine Educational Placement Test (PEPT) To be administered yearly by the NETRC in designated examination centers nationwide in two different venues and dates: Luzon regions (on the third Sunday of November) and Visayas-Mindanao regions (on the fourth Sundays of November); Registration period in the DepEd division offices from August 1 – September 30. A report on the total number of registered applicants in every testing center and division shall be submitted to the NETRC on or before October 1; Special examination shall be held five times a week and year-round where the applicant registers and is given the test at NETRC on a first-come first-served basis.

Preliminary Concerns Testing Center A testing center in each division is designated by the SDS and shall be established in a place most accessible to the majority of the registrants; A sub-center to an existing testing center may be opened upon request provided that: (i) the number of registrants is at least 50; (ii) the location of the proposed sub-center is far from the existing testing center; and (iii) the request is submitted to NETRC on or before October 1.

REGULAR and WALK-IN/SPECIAL PEPT REQUIREMENTS BIRTH CERTIFICATE: issued by the NSO or Local Civil Registrar duly authenticated (original and 2 photocopies) ID PICTURES: two identical and recently taken (size 1”x1”) SCHOOL RECORDS (original and 2 photocopies) Elementary Level: Form 137 or Form 138 Secondary Level: Form 137 (with the seal of the school and signature of School Head) SCHOOL PERMIT: Photocopy of School Permit to Operate/Government Recognition (for applicants from Private Schools) REGISTRATION FEE: Regular (Php50.00) Walk-in/Special (Php200.00) Form 137: Transcript of Records with school seal and signature of principal/registrar Form 138: Report Card with school seal and signature of principal/registrar Reminders Before Testing Day a. Inform the examinees to bring a lead pencil no. 2 and snacks/lunch on the day of the examination. b. Inform each examinee to bring snacks/lunch on examination day.

The Registration Form (Form A) Mechanics on how to fill up Form A Note: A copy of Form A should be left at the Division Office as reference in locating the examinees for the release of COR.

Registration of PEPT Applicants Grade/Year Level Passed/ Completed Normal Age Age on the Date of Examination Grade/Year Level to be Tested NONE (NS) 6 years old At least 7 years old Grade I 7 years old At least 8 years old Grade II 8 years old At least 9 years old Grade III 9 years old At least 10 years old Grade IV 10 years old At least 11 years old Grade V 11 years old At least 12 years old Grade VI 12 years old At least 13 years old First Year 13 years old At least 14 years old Second Year 14 years old At least 15 years old Third Year 15 years old At least 16 years old Fourth Year Age Prospective registrants are children and youth who are Filipino citizens and whose age and grade/year level completed are as follows: Notes: The age levels of PEPT applicants range from 7 to 16 years old and above. PEPT is not administered to applicants within normal age.

The Bases for Computing the Age are: The Examination Date and the Birth Date EXAMINATION DATES: 3rd Sunday of November for Luzon Last Sunday of November for Visayas-Mindanao Hence, the data in filing the documents by the registrants should not be the basis REGISTRATION (FORM A) Example: Age on the Examination Day based on the Birth Certificate Birthdate June 12, 1999 Exam day November 20, 2011 To Compute: 2011 11 20 1999 6 12 12 – 5- 8

Registration of PEPT Applicants Last Level Completed (LCC) The LCC is the grade/year level finished by a registrant. In the high school level, all the subject(s) should have been passed including the back subjects noted in Form 137. The LCC should be free from any back subjects.

Registration Procedure All data called for in the registration form are filled out by the applicant; Provisions on citizenship, grade/year level, and age requirements are followed strictly; Certified true copies or attested copies of the birth/baptismal certificate and school credentials are not tampered; The person/applicant and his most recent 1”x1” ID pictures are identical; The visually-impaired is identified and indicated in the List of Registrants; and The applicant is registered only when he has paid the registration fee. NOTE: All documents submitted by the applicants during registration in both the regular and special examinations shall be turned over by the DTC to the NETRC representative during the retrieval of test materials. Said registration list shall be used in the counterchecking the data in the answer sheets prior to data processing.

Checklist in Evaluating/Screening Documents of PEPT Applicants School Records: Inspect the authenticity of the documents as to seal and signature of the school head. Validate the grade/year level completed with reference to age level at the time of examination day (should be over aged). Countercheck LLC, F137 & F138 with the entries in the registration form for the consistency of data. Check that all subjects have been passed in the high school level (should be free from back subjects). Check if there are erasures/alterations in the school records. Birth Certificate (BC) Countercheck birthdate in the BC with the entry in the registration form.

Checklist in Evaluating/Screening Documents of PEPT Applicants Birth Certificate (BC) Check the computation of the age with reference to examination date. Have certified true copies of the BC. Age Computation Check if age was correctly computed using examination date as reference versus birthdate (use the age conversion for this table) ID Pictures Check if the ID pictures are: 1x1” by size, identical, recently taken and not scanned pictures Private school’s permit to operate Check if photocopied permit to operate of the private school was submitted.

Age of Applicant Based on Birth Year & Date of Examination (November 2011)

Problems Encountered on the Submitted Documents No LEM’S* copy LEM’S submitted is photocopy Only LEM’S was submitted No documents/supporting documents e.g. Form 137 Only School Certification was submitted No birth certificate No ID pictures *Local Examination Management headed by the SDS

Form 1. PEPT Monitoring (Review of Documents Submitted by the Applicants)

Functions and Responsibilities of Testing Personnel The Schools Division Superintendent (SDS) as LEM Chairman shall: be responsible for the smooth conduct of the test in the division; designate examination centers and sub-testing centers; the designated testing centers should be conducive to testing (free from noise, e.g. no activities nearby) assign one of the division supervisors as Division Testing Coordinator; and designate Room Examiners from among the master teachers and or responsible members of the teaching staff.

Functions and Responsibilities of Testing Personnel The Division Testing Coordinator (DTC) shall: check the application forms to determine if applicants meet all the requirements; prepare the list of registrants of each room according to grade/year and age level in the Registration Form (Form A); coordinate and monitor the conduct of the PEPT in the division; conduct an orientation or briefing on the effective administration of the PEPT; and consolidate and report/submit to NETRC the (i) exact number of registrants by age and grade/year level through fax, telegram or radiogram; and (ii) the final list of registrants

Functions and Responsibilities of Testing Personnel The School Head shall: provide the following (i) examination rooms with twenty (20) arm chairs, chalkboard, board erasers, and chalk in each room; and (ii) a standing board showing the location of the different testing rooms; Note: Remember that desks are not appropriate for PEPT registrants assign security officer to ensure that only authorized personnel are allowed to enter the school compound on examination day; and assign a janitor to prepare the examination rooms

Functions and Responsibilities of Testing Personnel The Chief Examiner (CE) shall: Coordinate with the school head in the preparation of the examination rooms at least three days before the examination day; Supervise the posting of PEPT Form A; Receive the test materials from the DTC and distribute the same to the Room Examiners not later than 7 o’clock a.m. on examination day; Safeguard the confidentiality of the test materials by supervising closely the administration of the test; Check the report of the examiners and consolidate the same; and Prepare the narrative report and accomplish the form required after the test.

Functions and Responsibilities of Testing Personnel The Room Supervisor (RS) shall: Monitor the conduct of the test administration in 10 testing rooms in a testing center; Check if the room examiners adhere to the instructions in the Examiner’s Handbook; and Assist the Chief Examiner in counting the Test Booklets per pack and in accounting the number of ETREs.

Functions and Responsibilities of Testing Personnel The Room Examiner (RE) shall: be in his/her assigned examination center to receive the test materials from the Chief Examiner (CE) not later than 7:00 o’clock a.m. on examination day; check the number of test materials he/she receives before proceeding to his/her assigned room; ascertain the identity of the individual examinees based on the Form A and the picture attached in the admission slip/registration form before letting them enter the room; adheres to the guidelines of the Examiner’s Handbook; give the preliminary instruction before distributing the test materials; distribute the test materials to individual examinees based on the Form A and the picture attached in the admission/registration slip;

Functions and Responsibilities of Testing Personnel (Room Examiner) distribute the test materials individually to each examinee and administer test strictly in accordance with the Examiner’s Handbook; go around the room while the test is in progress to find out (i) if the examinees are following directions correctly, (ii) that no paraphernalia like calculator, cell phone, beeper, etc. are used, and (iii) item placement is followed; retrieve individually the Test Booklets (TBs) as well as the Answer Sheets (ASs) and verify the data entered; return Form A and Examiner’s Handbook to CE; accomplish reports and submit them to the CE; and check if the following are contained in the ETRE: Time Record, Narrative Report, Forms A, 1 and 2 and Used Answer Sheets.

Duties and Functions of NETRC Staff Deliver and retrieve test materials – Special NCAE and PEPT Demand for an issuance of official receipt for the cash advance issued by NETRC Account all test materials (including those in the other divisions covered, for those with distribution center) Monitor the conduct of Special NCAE Evaluate documents of PEPT registrants Inform the DTC about the necessary corrections based on the evaluation of documents Monitor the conduct of PEPT While monitoring, count the TB’s four times: releasing time, before lunch, after lunch break and retrieval time

Schedule of NETRC Major Testing Programs NCAE – Last Wednesday of August PEPT – Third Sunday of November for Luzon Fourth Sunday of November for Visayas and Mindanao NAT G3 – First Wednesday of March NAT G6 – First Friday of March NAT Y2 – Second Thursday of March

Pre-test Reminders: Distribution of Test Materials To ensure integrity of the test and confidentiality of the test materials, utmost care, diligence, and vigilance on the part of all the officials concerned shall be observed. The NETRC Representative shall deliver the test materials to the division Office. The packing guide that goes with the test materials shall be the reference in determining the allocation per testing center. The SDS or his/her duly authorized representative shall receive the materials from the NETRC Representative immediately upon the latter’s arrival. He/She shall verify the number of boxes against the number specified in the Delivery Form without breaking the seal of the boxes. The SDS/DTC shall turn over the test materials to the CE before 7:00 a.m. on the examination day in the presence of the NETRC Representative. In conformity with the procedure indicated in the Examiner’s Handbook the plastic bags containing the TBs and ASs shall be opened in the examination room in the presence of the Examiners.

Checklist of Forms to be Accomplished: Form A: Registration Form Form 1: List of actual examinees (back to back with Form 2) Form 2: Seat Plan Form 3: Accounting Form Form 4: Chief Examiner’s Narrative Report

Pre-Test: Entrance and Seating Arrangement, etc. 20 Examinees in a room Seats are 5 rows of 4 Count TBs before opening package in front of examinees Do not allow electronic devices – calculator and mobile/cell phones in the examination room Only the examinees’ pencil, sharpener and clean sheet of paper shall be placed on the desk. All other belongings shall be placed in front of the room underneath the blackboard.

Pre-Test: Distribution and Checking of TBs & ASs and Other Reminders Distribute from right to left beginning with the lowest number of TB and AS Check the TB page by page Place the defective TB and unused AS, if any, inside its plastic bag Unused TBs and ASs should be n the custody of the Room Examiner while the test is in progress As per DECS Order No. 85, s. 1999, the Room Examiner is not allowed to read the TBs otherwise a corresponding sanction will be applied

Pre-Test: Other Information Provide personalized strips of paper with information on items to be answered in examination rooms with multi-age levels. Refer to the enlarged replica of the AS in filling in of information in the AS An examinee shall be allowed to start accomplishing the Name Grid only until the pencil is shown Supervise proper shading of the Name Grid (Region and Division) Read verbatim the boxed portion in the handbook. Do not translate in local language/dialect Accomplish the Seat Plan while the examinees are answering the EDQ

Pre-Test Reminders Check and double check if the Examinees have shaded the correct circles pertaining to the NAME GRID including all necessary information about himself/herself Do not use liquid eraser/tape eraser in erasing the shaded circle Do not start the Test Proper unless each examinee shall have completely and properly shaded the NAME GRID

Post-Test Give the examinees five minutes to inspect and clean the AS Instruct them to tear the examinee stub before collecting the ASs Count TBs and ASs before allowing examinees to leave the room

Post-Test: Accounting of Test Materials and Preparation of Reports Count and arrange TBs in sequence of serial numbers Count and arrange ASs in sequence of serial numbers Accomplish the ETRE by indicating the number of registrants and the actual number of examinees After the contents (TBs and ASs) have been accounted for, SEAL the ETRE with the DepED-NETRC paper tape while inside the examination room Notes: Name Grid replica to be stored in Testing Centers Examiner’s Handbook to be stored in the Division Offices.

Post-Test: Contents of Room Examiner’s ETRE Room Examiner’s Narrative Report Used answer sheets placed in original plastic bag Copy of NETRC Forms 1 and 2 Copy of PEPT Form A LEMs of actual examinees Post-Test: Contents of Chief Examiner’s ETRE (CETRE) Unused AS duly accounted Forms 3 and 4