Quiz & Library Day Jared Peet
Warm Up We will begin our quiz as soon as class starts. Please remove EVERYTHING from your desk EXCEPT a pen. You will have 15 minutes to complete the quiz.
Google Drive Checklist “Research Project” folder in History Shared Folder Sources document – “Last Name – Sources” RNCs document – “Last Name – RNCs” Know your person and topic question
Identifying Sources Reserved Book Cart – Can’t check out – Photocopy relevant pages Encyclopedia Britannica Google JSTOR/ProQuest NOT ACCEPTABLE: – Wikipedia (but you can read it for context) – Non-academic websites sites ending in.com or potentially.org) Exceptions: Newspapers
E NCYCLOPEDIAS : B RITANNICA Browsing Britannica - Username: acs Password: acs
Discover Britannica > Subjects
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And, Not and Or Google Can Help Better Your Search Boolean Operators NOT
Boolean Operators jazz OR blues This search finds articles that discuss either jazz or blues. OR always broadens a search. jazz AND blues This search finds articles that examines jazz and blues. AND always narrows a search. jazz NOT blues This search finds articles that are exclusively about jazz. NOT always excludes records with the specified term.
What Boolean Operators Do Return to Table of Contents
Precede each term you do not want to appear in any result with a “–” sign. To find pages without a particular term, put a – sign operator in front of the word in the query. Do not put a space between the – and the word. TRY THESE USE: Beirut -Ohio NOT: Beirut - Ohio Pearl Harbor -film Return to Table of Contents
Why advance search features are important. Using quotes to indicate exact phrases ensures your search returns the results you want. Without quotes, Google assumes AND but will find the terms anywhere in the document. Return to Table of Contents
Synonyms Find synonyms by preceding the term with a ~, which is known as the tilde or synonym operator. The tilde (~) operator takes the word immediately following it and searches both for that specific word and for the word’s synonyms. It also searches for the term with alternative endings. The tilde operator works best when applied to general terms and terms with many synonyms. As with the – operator, put the ~ (tilde) next to the word, with no spaces between the ~ and its associated word, TRY THESE o “Cold war” ~films o “Cell respiration” ~quizzes ● If you don’t like the synonyms that Google suggests when you use the ~ operator, specify your own synonyms with the OR operator described earlier in the presentation. Return to Table of Contents
USE *, AN ASTERISK CHARACTER, KNOWN AS A WILDCARD, TO MATCH ONE OR MORE WORDS IN A PHRASE (ENCLOSED IN QUOTES). PHRASE TRY THESE "John * Kennedy" "to * or not to *" "Type * diabetes" Return to Table of Contents
L IMITERS Google allows you to limit your search in many ways.
Limiters: Sites and Info Site: websites or domains – or eduwww.acs.edu.lb –searches within the site or domain indicated Info: – finds Google’s cache, pages similar to, linked to, pages from the site, or that contain the term
Limiters: Sites and Info Site: websites or domains – or eduwww.acs.edu.lb –searches within the site or domain indicated Info: – finds Google’s cache, pages similar to, linked to, pages from the site, or that contain the term TRY THESE: ● search term site:nytimes.com ● site:edu ● site:uk ● info:website ● info:history.com Return to Table of Contents
Limiters: Last Updated, Language and Region Last Updated can be accessed from the search tools below the search box. It is best to use Advanced Search to limit by language and region. It is possible to limit by region using site: to indicate a country. TRY THESE –“search term” site:fr or site:uk – "Cold War" site:nz –~research "Cyber*bullying" site:ca filetype:pdf
Limiters By –Last Update –Useful for information on current events, recent research in the natural and human sciences. –Date range –Useful for primary sources from a particular date range TRY THESE –“nigerian civil war” Search Tools Custom Range –short term memory ~studies site:edu Search Tools Past Year Return to Table of Contents
Limiters: File types By –File Type: pdf, ppt, doc, swf, –This is one way to look for specific types of files. There is a different way to filter by different media (image, video, book, etc….) –Google index of searchable file typesGoogle index of searchable file types –Useful for finding multi-media material, articles TRY THESE: filetype:swf or choose a different file type with any of these terms: cell division, volcanoes, trench warfare Return to Table of Contents
No colon b/w limiter and search term Return to Table of Contents
For More Info on Advanced Searching... Go to the Research Project Resources folder in Topic 10 on Moodle – PPTs on Britannica, JSTOR, ProQuest, Google Searching and more...
Goal for the Library RNCs due by end of class on... – Section 3 – Friday, 5/16 – Sections 1 & 2 – Monday, 5/19 Put each source into “Sources” document – Label each source A, B, C, etc. For each RNC: – Label with source letter and # of card (A-4, B-2) – One fact per card; if you cite, must put in quotes and paraphrase – If source has a page number, include in bottom right
Central Research Question How did your assigned figure from the Scientific Revolution help bring about a paradigm shift in the way humans understand the natural world?