Dynamics of Leadership Chapter 15 Dynamics of Leadership Hellriegel, Jackson, and Slocum MANAGEMENT: A Competency-Based Approach South-Western College Publishing Copyright © 2002
Learning Objectives After reading this chapter, you should be able to: 15.1 Learning Objectives After reading this chapter, you should be able to: State the types of power and their use by leaders Describe the personal traits associated with effective leaders Explain the behaviors of effective and ineffective leaders Identify contingencies that may be important to the effectiveness of a leader State the key characteristics of transformational leaders Describe how organizations develop leaders
Consequences of Using 5 Types of Power 15.2 Consequences of Using 5 Types of Power Type of power used by leader Most likely response from followers Expert Referent Reward Legitimate Coercive Commitment Compliance Resistance Adapted from Figure 15.1
Emotional Intelligence Traits 15.3 Emotional Intelligence Traits Self-monitoring The ability to see the impact one has on people and to adapt Confidence The ability to recognize and appreciate one’s own strengths and those of others Self-control The ability to rein in one’s ego and desire for personal dominance Genuineness The ability to respect, and project, one’s authority Empathy The ability to understand, and work with, the needs and motivations of others Ownership The ability to accept responsibility for one’s actions and their consequences
Comparison of Theory X and Y Assumptions 15.4 Comparison of Theory X and Y Assumptions X Y The typical employee dislikes work and will avoid it if possible Employees want direction whenever possible Managers must coerce employees to get them to work People like to work Employees who are committed to the company’s objective will exercise self-control Employees learn to accept and even seek responsibility at work
The Managerial Grid Model 15.5 The Managerial Grid Model High (1,9) (9,9) 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Concern for people Country club style Team style (5,5) Middle-of-the-road style Produce or perish style Impoverished style Source: R. R. Blake, J. S. Mouton, and L. E. Greiner. Breakthrough in organization development. Harvard Business Review. November-December 1964 (1,1) (9,1) Low Low High Concern for production Adapted from Figure 15.2
Hersey and Blanchard’s Situational Leadership Model 15.6 Hersey and Blanchard’s Situational Leadership Model SITUATIONAL LEADERSHIP Leader Behaviors High High Relationship and Low Task High Task and High Relationship S E L SUPPORTING L I N G S3 S2 (Supportive Behavior) Relationship Behavior Source: Hersey, P., and Blanchard, K.H. Management of Organizational Behavior: Utilizing Human Resources, 6th ed. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1993. Used by permission from Ronald Campbell, President, Leadership Studies, Escondido, California, 1995. S4 S1 G N I T A Low Relationship and Low Task High Task and Low Relationship G T E E L L L E I D N G Low Low High Task Behavior (Directive Behavior) High Moderate Low Mature Immature R4 R3 R2 R1 Follower Readiness Adapted from Figure 15.3
Vroom-Jago Time-Driven Leadership Model 15.7 Vroom-Jago Time-Driven Leadership Model Contingency Variables Decision significance Importance of commitment Leader expertise Likelihood of commitment Team support Team expertise Team competence Leadership Styles Decide style Consult individually style Consult team style Facilitate style Delegate style
Common Characteristics of Transformational Leaders 15.8 Common Characteristics of Transformational Leaders Visionary Confident Inspirational Transformational Leaders Trustworthy Thoughtful Considerate Adapted from Figure 15.4
Leadership Development 15.9 Leadership Development On-the-Job Learning Assessment and Training Coaching and Mentoring