Usos del pretérito 1. Single past action and/or series of completed actions in the past
Usos del pretérito 2. Actions with a specific time frame and/or specific beginning or end
Usos del pretérito 3. interrupting action or event (interrupts a scene described in the imperfect.)
Usos del pretérito 4. Indicates a sudden, unexpected change of condition or attitude.
What’s your top 10 preterite key terms?
Hubo un semáforo… Hubo—there was/there were (preterite ) * * Caution on verb changes! Stop for preterite!
¡Peligro! Caution! These verbs change meanings. In the preterite: to meet—conocer to find out—saber to try—querer to refuse—no querer to succeed in—poder to fail to do—no poder
Usos del imperfecto 1.Past action occurring or in progress
Usos del imperfecto 2. Repeated actions over an indefinite period of time (habits)
Usos del imperfecto 3. Describes physical characteristics or background (including weather conditions), *setting the scene for other actions or events to take place.
Usos del imperfecto 4. Mental or emotional states, conditions, attitudes
Usos del imperfecto 5. Indicates what time it was, dates, and age in the past. *What you did at a certain time is preterite! The time itself is imperfect!
What’s your top 10 imperfect key terms?
Había un semáforo… Había—there was/there were (imperfect) * * Caution on verb changes! OnGOing for imperfect!
¡Peligro! Caution! These verbs change meanings. In the imperfect: conocer—to know (person) saber—to know (fact) querer—to wish/want no querer—to not wish/want poder—to be able to no poder—to not be able to
Usos del pretérito 1. Single past action and/or series of completed actions in the past Ex. Juan hizo la cama. Luego desayunó y se fue para la escuela. Juan made the bed. Then he ate breakfast and left for school.
Usos del pretérito 2. Actions with a specific time frame and/or specific beginning or end Ex. Mi abuela preparó una comida deliciosa anoche. My grandmother prepared a delicious meal last night.
Usos del pretérito 3. interrupting action or event (interrupts a scene described in the imperfect.) Ex. Dormíamos cuando de repente oímos algo ruidoso del sótano. We were sleeping when we heard something loud from the basement. oír=to hear (3 rd stem-changer, accents on i in pret.)
Usos del pretérito 4. Indicates a sudden, unexpected change of condition or attitude. Ex. El niño tuvo miedo cuando vio los ratones. The child got scared when he saw the rats.
Usos del imperfecto 1.Past action occurring or in progress Ex. El gato dormía en nuestra cama. The cat was sleeping on our bed.
Usos del imperfecto 2. Repeated actions over an indefinite period of time (habits) Ex. Mi abuela siempre preparaba la comida. My grandmother always prepared the food.
Usos del imperfecto 3. Describes physical characteristics or background (including weather conditions), *setting the scene for other actions or events to take place. Ex. Era una noche oscura y hacía frío. La selva era grande y callada. It was a dark night and it was cold. The forest was big and quiet.
Usos del imperfecto 4. Mental or emotional states, conditions, attitudes Ex. El niño estaba feliz. The child was happy.
Usos del imperfecto 5. Indicates what time it was, dates, and age in the past. Ex. Eran las 12:00 de la noche. Era el 31 de octubre. Tenía mil años. It was 12 at night. It was October 31. I (he/she/you-f.) was a thousand years old. *What you did at a certain time is preterite! The time itself is imperfect!