Ichthyophthirius multifiliis Presentation by: Lauren Hannan and Chloe Jensen
Kingdom: Protista Phylum: Ciliophora Class: Oligohymenophorea Order: Hymenostomatida Family: Ichthyophthiriidae Genus: Icthyophthirius Species: multifillis
Morphology Adults are as large in diameter as 1 mm Macronucleus is a large, horseshoe-shaped body that encircles the tiny micronucleus 3 life stages: Feeding stage: trophont/trophozoite Reproductive stage: tomonts/tomites Infective stage: trophozoites/tomites/theronts/swarmers
Geographic Distribution: It is wide spread in all freshwater fish but appears to be more common in aquarium fish, possibly due to the closer contact and stress involved with aquarium species. Definitive Hosts: All freshwater fish Intermediate Hosts: None
Life Cycle Feeding stage: trophont/trophozoite Attached to the epithelial cells and absorbs nutrients from the fish Reproductive stage: tomonts/tomites Quickly attaches to a substrate and encysts Spends all of its energy rapidly multiplying Infective stage: trophozoites/tomites/theronts/swarmers Tomites have burst from cyst Sprout cilia and immediate start looking for a host Typically only have a few days to find a host or they perish
Sites of Infection Skin Eyes Gills
Pathogenosis Greyish/white pustules Round or oval in shape Roughly the size of a grain of salt Epidermal cells produce mucous for protection Death if not treated
Behavioral Signs Wasting Hiding abnormally Rubbing against items On skin: White pustules On eyes: Cloudy/milky On gills Breathing at surface Rapid breathing White pustules
Diagnoses Observation of fish Study of pustules/parasite under microscope
Treatment In aquarium fish: Very dilute concentrations Formaldehyde Malachite green Methylene blue Commercial preparations
Control Food with malachite green Purchase healthy fish Clean tank Isolate sick fish