2 Peter 3:1-18 Know Your Prophecy Recognize the sureness of the Day of the Lord v –Your minds are still pure, yet I remind you again v. 1 –Remember the teachings of the prophets Isaiah 66:15-16 –And now, by way of the commands of the Lord spoken by the apostles v. 2 Matthew 24:1-30 Know this: scoffers will come in the last days v. 3 –Walking: in their own lusts (false teachers) –Saying: Where is He? He promised? Nothing has changed, where is His promised coming? v. 4 Scoffers choose to forget history: v.5-6 –God’s ‘Word’ fashioned the physical world of old »Water above—water beneath
»God used that structure to bring judgment in the form of a flood God’s Word also fashioned this present world v. 7 –For judgment by fire »Until The Day of the Lord »To the ruin of ungodly men –Beloved, don’t you forget this v A God day (eternal patience) is like a thousand years And a thousand years as a single day God isn’t some slacker when it comes to His promise –His promise is longsuffering—not slackness He doesn’t want any to perish—His character –He wants all to come to repentance
But The Day of the Lord will come v. 10 –Like a thief to the ungodly 1 Thess. 5:2 »As they won’t be expecting His return –The heavens will pass away Revelation 6:12-17 »With intense noise –The elements will melt Revelation 8:7-11 »By intense heat –The earth and its works—Will be burned up In light of this certainty—live sanctified lives v –Since this is a sure thing, what should we be like? v. 11 In our conduct today? In godliness?
–As we look for the Day of God and hasten it by our conduct v. 12 –According to His promise We look for the new heaven on earth –WHERE RIGHTEOUSNESS DWELLS! v. 13 –Looking forward—acting now v.14 Let God find you at peace Without spot Blameless Consider God’s longsuffering—your salvation –Yes, even as Paul has written you already v. 15 –Paul speaks of all these issues v. 16 »Some hard to understand
»That’s why unstable minds distort or twist them and all other scripture »It is to their destruction –You know beforehand v Don’t fall away from being steadfast Don’t be led away by wicked people Grow in grace Grow in knowledge of our Savior and Lord Christ Jesus –He is coming again and He will be on schedule To Christ be the glory both –Now and forever Other passages by Paul: Hebrews 10:23, 37; 1 Thess. 4:13- 5:11; 1 Cor. 15