Take out a piece of paper, describing one object in the classroom in three sentence. Don’t tell your classmates what the object is.


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Presentation transcript:

Take out a piece of paper, describing one object in the classroom in three sentence. Don’t tell your classmates what the object is.

Coherence Transitional signals

What is coherent? Parents don’t understand their children. Parents have a special insight on everything. We should respect our parents. Although sometimes parents don’t understand us, they have a special insight on everything, so we should respect them.

Composition B Americans are crazy about their pet dogs, so they do many things for them. First of all, they treat their pets like human beings. They like to talk to their dogs and treat them like children. For example, my neighbor Mrs. Green talks to her dog Ruffy all the time. Also, she takes him for a walk twice a day. She will not leave him when he is sick. Moreover, Americans send their dogs to training school to learn to be good. Second, Americans spend a lot of money on their pets. They feed them expensive dog food with flavors that people like such as beef, chicken, liver, and cheese. Also, their pets have brightly colored balls, rubber bones, and other toys to play with. Some dogs even wear collars with colorful, sparkling stones that look like diamonds or rubies. Some owners bathe their dogs in the bathtub, while others take their pets to a dog beauty shop. First, their toenails are clipped. Then, their fur is brushed and trimmed. Finally, they are given a bath with special dog shampoo. This beauty treatment costs about twenty five dollars. In conclusion, because Americans love their pet dogs a lot. They are willing to spend both time and money on them. They believe that “a dog is man’s best friend,” because dogs are loyal and dependable and wonderful companions.

Composition B Americans are crazy about their pet dogs, so they do many things for them. First of all, they treat their pets like human beings. They like to talk to their dogs and treat them like children. For example, my neighbor Mrs. Green talks to her dog Ruffy all the time. Also, she takes him for a walk twice a day. She will not leave him when he is sick. Moreover, Americans send their dogs to training school to learn to be good. Second, Americans spend a lot of money on their pets. They feed them expensive dog food with flavors that people like such as beef, chicken, liver, and cheese. Also, their pets have brightly colored balls, rubber bones, and other toys to play with. Some dogs even wear collars with colorful, sparkling stones that look like diamonds or rubies. Some owners bathe their dogs in the bathtub, while others take their pets to a dog beauty shop. First, their toenails are clipped. Then, their fur is brushed and trimmed. Finally, they are given a bath with special dog shampoo. This beauty treatment costs about twenty five dollars. In conclusion, because Americans love their pet dogs a lot. They are willing to spend both time and money on them. They believe that “a dog is man’s best friend,” because dogs are loyal and dependable and wonderful companions.

1. To list ideas in time order or order of importance First (second, etc.) First of all Then, next, finally e.g. First, their toenails are clipped. Then, their fur is brushed and trimmed. Finally, they are given a bath with special dog shampoo.

2. To add another idea furthermore in addition, in addition to moreover and e.g. I dislike jogging, therefore, I never do it. Moreover, Americans send their dogs to training school to learn to be good. In addition, they hunted wild cattle, pigs and horses and made use of many wild plants.

3. To add an opposite idea On the other hand However But Although/ even though On the one hand, I can be naive, but on the other hand, I‘m mature. Some machines are called robots even though they cannot move around.

4. To add a similar idea Similarly Likewise Also And Likewise (similarly), if the system is performing well, giving it more data might make it perform even better. They are not only classmates but also partners in the study.

5. To give an example For example For instance For example, my neighbor Mrs. Green talks to her dog Ruffy all the time.

6. To give a cause/ reason Because Since As tone I stayed at home because it rained. Since everyone is here, let’s start. We all like her as she is kind.

7. To give an effect (result) Therefore, Consequently So One lesson therefore is to avoid unbalancing the marine environment. We see many opportunities to deliver a better customer experience, and consequently build a better company.

8. To add a conclusion In conclusion In brief in conclusion, let me just say how appreciative I am of all of you.

Practice How storms are named Have you ever wondered how those big ocean storms called hurricanes or typhoons get their names? Who decides to name a hurricane “Ann” or “Barbara” or “Bill”? The way hurricanes and typhoons are named has changed over the years and is an interesting story.

(first, initially, originally) weather forecasters described them by their position in degrees of latitude and longitude (in addition, for example, since) a typhoon might be called “21.20 north, west” (then, however, moreover) this method was confusing because storms don’t stay in the same place (thus, therefore, in conclusion) people developed other ways to identify them. In the Caribbean Ocean, hurricanes were named for the Catholic saint’s days. (Therefore, For example, Moreover) a hurricane that struck an island in the Caribbean on Saint Ann’s Day was named “Santa Ana.”

A weather forecaster in Australia used to name typhoons after politicians whom he disliked. (Because, For example, However) he could make weather forecasts such as “Typhoon Smith is on very destructive path” or “Typhoon Jones is very weak and us not moving in any direction.” (in addition, later as a result) during World War I, hurricanes and typhoons were named according to the military alphabet: Able, Baker, Charlie, etc. (later, although) during World War II, women’s name began to be used for the next thirty-five years. Weather forecasters talked about “Typhoon Alice” or “Hurricane Betsy.”

(however, then, in addition) in the 1970s, the women’s liberation movement came along and forced weather forecasters to use men’s name, too. (thus, for example, finally), after about 1975, a storm could be named “Gertrude” or” George.” (in conclusion, so, as a result) the way hurricanes and typhoons are named has changed over the years and will undoubtedly change again.