Research Conclusions and Works Cited
Conclusions 0 Purpose 0 To synthesize the main points of the essay and demonstrate importance of your topic 0 To give the reader something to think about 0 To make the reader care 0 Techniques 0 Return to information presented in your introduction 0 Point to the broader implications of your argument 0 Include a provocative idea or question
Conclusions 0 Avoid 0 “In conclusion” 0 Restating the thesis 0 New Idea 0 Overly-emotional appeals 0 Evidence that should have been in one of the body paragraphs 0 Grab bag
Sample 0 The issue of capital punishment is very controversial and needs to be solved as soon as possible. The death penalty is cruel, unnecessary, immoral and too God-like. If the practice of judicial murder is not stopped soon, it will cause our country to accumulate more debt, and we may kill innocent people. In the same manner that the United States government supplied World War II solders with cigarettes, permanently damaging their health, so too, the United states government’s use of the death penalty is damaging Americas people and world image. We owe it to our society to be informed. This can be done by entering “capital punishment” in a search engine to sift out the truth from reliable sources about one of America’s biggest issues. We should all agree with Katharine Fullerton Gerould, an American writer, who says, “Many of us do not believe in capital punishment, because thus society takes from a man what society cannot give” (“Quotes by Katharine Fullerton Gerould”).
Works Cited 0 What is it? 0 The last page of your essay 0 All of the sources you use in your paper are listed 0 Entries are alphabetized 0 By whatever the first piece of information is in the entry 0 Entries are not numbered 0 Entries are double-spaced 0 Entries are formatted with a hanging indent 0 How do I make one? 0 Articles from SIRS already have the information cited (on last page of the article) 0 North High Library Page (Easybib) 0 Handout on Mr. Bannecker’s Website
Patterns / Quick Review 0 Sequence 0 AND, ALSO, ANOTHER, IN ADDITION, FIRST, SECOND, FINALLY, ETC. 0 Definition 0 is defined as, means, is known as, refers to, the term, is called, punctuation marks 0 Compare/Contrast 0 Similarly, Likewise, Both, Same, Also, On the other hand, In contrast, However, Whereas, Although, Nevertheless 0 Cause-Effect 0 Because, the reasons, causes, is due to, therefore, consequently, thus, as a consequence, led to, as a result
Rest of Class 0 Work on Essay 0 Examine the checklist distributed in class 0 Conference with Mr. Bannecker Homework Read the notes/feedback on your body paragraph Bring a full draft of the essay to class