Comparison/Contrast Essay Bless Me, Ultima By Rudolfo Anaya
Usually four paragraph essay Block format Deals with all features of first subject before moving to second subject Usually four paragraph essay
Block format Paragraph 1--Introduction Paragraph 2— II. Anaya A. feature 1 B. feature 2 C. feature 3
Block format Paragraph 3— III. Antonio A. feature 1 B. feature 2 C. feature 3 Paragraph 4—Conclusion
Point-by-Point format Select three features that deal with both subjects Cover each feature with both subjects Then move to next feature Usually five paragraph essay
Point-by-Point format Paragraph 1—introduction Paragraph 2— II. Feature 1 A. Anaya B. Antonio
Point-by-Point format Paragraph 3— III. Feature 2 A. Anaya B. Antonio Paragraph 4— IV. Feature 3
Point-by-Point format Paragraph 5—Conclusion
Cue Words Like Similar to Also Similarly In the same way Likewise Again Compared to At the same time Conversely Unlike In contrast Contrasted with However On the contrary Although Even though Despite But While On the one hand, on the other hand
Example topic sentences for paragraphs Using cue words Example topic sentences for paragraphs Compared to Central, Whitthorne… Like Central, Whitthorne Middle… Despite their similar locations, Columbia Central and Whitthorne are different types of schools.