KNOWING OUR FATHER The good guy of his story was a Samaritan!
KNOWING OUR FATHER What made him a good example was the type compassion he showed.
KNOWING OUR FATHER He did this at great risk to himself.
KNOWING OUR FATHER He did this for a man who probably wouldn’t have done it for him.
KNOWING OUR FATHER He did this at great cost to himself.
KNOWING OUR FATHER “Which one of these do you think BECAME a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?”
KNOWING OUR FATHER “Go and do likewise.”
KNOWING OUR FATHER Question #1-“Who is my neighbor?”
KNOWING OUR FATHER Questions #2-“Which of these three do you think became a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?”
KNOWING OUR FATHER Do you see the similarity between the waiting father in last week’s parable and the Good Samaritan?
KNOWING OUR FATHER Questions #3- “What is love?” 1 Cor. 13:4-8
“Go and do likewise.” -Love at great risk -Love our enemies -love at great cost
How do we love like this?
KNOWING OUR FATHER When we look through this window called a parable and see the heart, mind and will of God
KNOWING OUR FATHER we will learn to say, “I wish I could be a neighbor like that.”
KNOWING OUR FATHER The world is turned off when Christianity becomes a noun instead of a verb.