Your On-Line Road Map to Career Discovery Self Search Program Introduction
What is CareerWay™? Online career exploration system integrated with the Department of Labor’s O*Net database Developed by organizational psychologists from an industry perspective Appropriate for those in the exploration phase of career development who are looking for their career direction –“What do I want to be when I grow up?”
CareerWay™ Guiding Concepts Comprehensive career development program vs. “career test” - looks at all aspects of person, job, and process Balances automation with active participation Engages user - fun and visually stimulating, self directed Facilitates the career counseling process rather than attempting to replace it (can be stand-alone if needed, but best when facilitated by counseling process)
From Career Exploration to Job Attainment Utilizes O*NET Database to Explore Possibilities –Six self-rating exercises (take all or a few) –Self-job matching capability close to 1000 jobs –Links jobs to majors and majors to jobs –Links military training/experience to civilian jobs –On-line job research Facilitates Thoughtful Job Choice Decisions –Gap analysis reports –On-line research of critical areas such as state specific job outlook and salary, realistic job information, and required effort
The Process As she registers, she can set preferences for the types of jobs that come up for her to better customize the process to her needs.
The 3 Phase Process CareerWay helps an individual through their entire career development process – from exploration to pursuing the job they want.
Self-Rating Exercises InterestsMotivations Pref. for Activities Knowledge Abilities Skills Self Exercises……take all or a few, in any order
Starting the Assessment Process – INTERESTS To start the process, Suzanne begins her first assessment. In this short exercise, Suzanne reads the descriptions of each Interest area and chooses her top three choices by clicking on the graphic. If she has already taken another Interest assessment using the Holland codes, she can easily enter in her information.
EXPLORE After each assessment, jobs come up on her list that fit her. At any point in the process she can research each job from a number of well- respected resources by clicking on the job title.
She can also find out about jobs that are available in her area by linking directly to America’s Job Bank.
Example Assessments - MOTIVATIONS After she researches jobs, she can move on to the motivations assessment where she is asked to indicate her preference on 21 different motivational areas.
Example Assessments - KNOWLEDGE Likewise, she is asked to indicate her level of knowledge, skill and ability. She is provided with real-world examples to help her make an accurate assessment.
Gap Analysis At any point in the process Suzanne can click on any of the traffic lights to better understand her fit with the job.
Understand Gaps… By viewing a gap- analysis report Suzanne can understand her fit with the job and determine where she is willing to make trade- offs.
& Determine Developmental Areas In addition, she can determine where to target her training and development needs. Later, in the Pursue phase of the process, she is provided with developmental resources for every knowledge, ability and skill area.
Educational Information Suzanne can also find out about the types of education and training needs that are required for each job, as well as what types of jobs fit with her educational focus.
Educational Information
DECIDE After Suzanne has completed all of her assessments and narrowed down her job list, she is ready for the Decide phase of the process. This phase helps her think through critical criteria of the job.
PURSUE After Suzanne has selected a job to pursue, the last phase of the process helps her to prepare for the job as well as take action to pursue the job. Links to on-line resources and detailed worksheets are provided to help her.