Are YOU prepared for life in Modern Britain?
So what is Modern Britain?
Union Jack Girl © Still Pictures/Duncan Walker
Big Ben © Allan
Queen Elizabeth, Visit to Leicester by Flickr user kev747 and licensed for reuse under the Creative Commons Licence.
© Getty images/Doug Menuez
Olympic parade – Tasha Danvers by Flickr user Richard Parmiter and licensed for reuse under the Creative Commons Licence.
Cycling in the Lake District © Chadwick
© Getty images/Scott Barbour
Walking in the rain by Flickr user Denni Schnapp and licensed for reuse under the Creative Commons Licence.
Fish ‘n’ chips at the Severnshed by Flickr user ordinaryfool and licensed for reuse under the Creative Commons Licence.
Queen’s Guard by Flickr user Josie Fraser and licensed for reuse under the Creative Commons Licence.
© Getty images/Tom Stoddard
Or is there more to it than that?... Union Jack by Flickr user bambi851 and licensed for reuse under the Creative Commons Licence.
Modern Britain is what YOU make it...
So what makes you, you?
Your personal Indentity – your sense of SELF Groups that you belong – Sports clubs/teams, Cadets, Choir, .... What your interests/talents are - film, dance, music, art, languages.... What is important to you... Your hopes and dreams... Which people are important to you... Your religion or beliefs... The languages that you speak... Your national identity...
Your personal VALUES also make up who YOU are: *Honesty *Resilience *Kindness *Ambition *Respect *Tolerance *Justice *Humility *Trust *Thankfulness
There are also national values... Values that make Britain Great – ‘British Values’
Democracy The rule of law Individual liberty Mutual respect Tolerance of different faiths and beliefs
Democracy Britain is a democracy – this means that the people in Britain vote for the people who make the laws and decide how the country is run.
The rule of Law In Britain we have a police force & a judiciary who ensure people do not do the wrong thing, and punish those that do - this means that we are safe.
Individual Liberty In Britain, as long as we do not break the law, we can live as we choose; we have freedom of speech and so we can voice our views & opinions.
Mutual Respect We might not always agree with others, but we try to show respect for their thoughts and feelings. We give respect to others and we can expect other people to show us respect back.
Tolerance of different faiths and beliefs In Britain we accept (and challenge others to do likewise), that other people may have different religions & beliefs than ours.
Do YOU have what it takes to make Britain Great?