Following in the footsteps of our needed Savior.
Many people answer this question in their own way: No matter how it’s worded, however, there must be at least three qualities inherent within each Christian. –Realize the need of our Savior. –Follow our Savior. –Daily put to death the fleshly man like our Savior.
The very root (beginning) of being a Christian is Christ Himself. –Basically, what this means is that we need a Savior (Heb: Messiah; Gr: Christ). –From the beginning God revealed man’s need for a Messiah. Eph. 1:7-12 –Those who believe Jesus to be the Christ is promised God’s salvation. Jn. 4:25
But Jesus did not proclaim Himself a Savior in the world, but the Savior of the world. –He referred only to Himself as the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Jn. 14:6 –Many Samaritans listen to and believed in Jesus as the Savior of the world. Jn. 4:39-42 –Peter was emphatic as to who Jesus was: the Christ. Lk. 9:18-20
Following Christ’s resurrection many of His disciples boldly followed in His footsteps. Likewise, we must boldly proclaim Jesus as THE Christ. We must live as He did, righteous before God. Phil. 2:1-8; Matt. 22:37-39 It is this combination: proclaiming the message of Christ and living like Him that eventually distinguished (and stigmatized) Christians from Jews. Acts 11:19-26
Ultimately, being a Christian means we will take up our proverbial crosses and “die” like our Lord. –This death starts out when those who believe in Jesus as the Christ die with Him in baptism. Rom. 6:3-4 –Our daily walk manifests a life “in the Lord” where upon we put the man of sin to death and give up our lives to our heavenly Father. Lk. 9:22-25; Rom. 12:1-2
If you’re not a Christian understand: Rom. 6:3-4 (1 Pet. 3:21) –You need a Savior and His name is Jesus – who is the Christ. –He calls you to His side and to follow Him. –Unless you repent you will die in your sins. For those who are Christians, remember what it means to be one.