The Companions heard the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) saying "People will continue to be well- doers as long as they hasten their Eftar (eating & drinking after fastin) Some of them were hasting Eftar immediately after sunset, while others were adjourning it till night appearance.
Some of the Followers (may mercy of Allah be upon them) heard that matter, so they wanted to know which one is better: Hasting Eftar or delaying it? Therefore, they went to Al Sayeda Aisha (RAA) and said to her "Om Al Moamenin (mother of believers), two men of the Muhammed's Companions, both are well-doers Some of the Followers (may mercy of Allah be upon them) heard that matter, so they wanted to know which one is better: Hasting Eftar or delaying it? Therefore, they went to Al Sayeda Aisha (RAA) and said to her "Om Al Moamenin (mother of believers), two men of the Muhammed's Companions, both are well-doers
they always haste for making good deeds, one of them hasten Eftar and prayers & the other delays them. Al Sayeda Aisha (RAA) answered "Whom of them hasts for Eftar & Prayers?, they answered "Abdullah Ibn Masoud, she said "Likewise, the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) acts.
It is preferable to hast Al Eftar as long as it is sunset time, as it is also preferable to delay Al Shour a few minutes (about fifteen minutes) prior dawn time.